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Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by large volumes of air moving as they are heated and cooled by the sun. It doesn't require any fuel to be burnt at all, as all energy comes form the sun.

Actually wind ends up consuming a great deal of fossil fuel. The volume is ignored though to make wind seem green. Wind is a variable source of energy and our demand requires a constant source. As a result fossil fuel plants run behind wind systems and supply power during weaker wind moments. Only the wind power is considered and the idling plant is ignored in terms of CO2 output. This makes wind a very dirt power source. They typically produce about 5 to 8% of what is claimed they produce. A wind system that is claimed can power "up to 100 homes" typically can do less then 10.

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Q: How does wind energy not use fossil fuels?
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What is a standard theory of how fossil fuels formed?

the worms fart and create a wonderfull smelling gas

Why does japan use nuclear power?

Limited fossil fuels, air quality problems, need for electricity.

What are some strengths of geothermal?

Geothermal energy is considered a renewable energy source. Which means that, unlike the fossil fuels we rely on for energy, we can continue to use geothermal without having to be concerned that we will run out of energy. In terms of electricity generation, a geothermal power plant will emit only about 1% of the carbon dioxide that a fossil fuel powered plant would produce to generate the same amount of electricity. Although this may not be as good as solar or wind powered forms of electricity generation, geothermal does have the advantage of being able to produce a steady supply of electricity 24/7, something that most renewable energy sources can't.

Is there enough electircity for Americans?

Right now, in 2010, electrical supplies are right in line with the demands although resources are stretched at peak times. However, electricity is a precious energy commodity just as other fuels are. Huge amounts of electricity are generated by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. This electricity is subject to the same pressures as other applications that use the same resources. Without suggesting a date, it looks clear that fossil fuels will be in short supply in the future. Pessimists suggest only a few years while optimists predict decades or even centuries of fossil fuel supplies. Whoever might be right, one day we will need to find other sources of energy to generate electricity. There are already a wide variety of alternatives. Wind and hydro-electric are two well known sources and there is no reason why either of these should run dry. Solar power is still in its infancy and represents an expensive solution at the moment. No doubt, the costs will fall as technology is developed to better harness the power of the sun. The sea contains a vast amount of energy and both wave and tidal generation schemes are being introduced. Again, we should expect costs for these to fall in the future. The problem with all of the non fossil fuel solutions is that they currently form a tiny fraction of the total electricity generation in the US and around the world. With present technology and infra-structure, we can expect electricity supplies to run short in the future. We therefore need to hope (and demand) that alternative energy sources are developed in time to meet the challenge of limited fossil fuel supplies. Engineers and scientists have risen to such challenges in the past and no doubt will do so again. The rest of us have an opportunity, perhaps even an obligation, to express support for new energy technologies so that we move away from the reliance on fossil fuels sooner rather than later.

Is there an unlimited supply of fossil fuels why or why not?

No. Once it has all been used up, it'll be gone. And its non-renewable, which means once we use it, we cannot use it again. In fact, in many places of the world people are running out of oil. Depressing, huh?

Related questions

Does wind energy use fossil fuels?

No. Wind turbines capture the wind's energy and convert it into electricity.

Does wind energy use traditional fossil fuels?

No. Wind turbines capture the wind's energy and convert it into electricity.

Why does Hawaii use wind energy?

Because all fossil fuels must be imported.

How can we minimize use of fossil fuels?

There are many other alternatives to using our fossil fuels, get online silly! Google things like wind, solar energy, and water energy....

How Sustainability For Future Use Of Wind Energy?

Wind energy is a renewable source of electricity, unlike fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas), which will eventually run out. Therefore, in the future, as fossil fuels run out, nuclear energy, and energy produced by the tides and wind will have to take over.

What are 3 alternative energy sources to fossil fuels?

There is a source of energy that is more friendly to the environment that has not been looked into yet such as using the force from the waves to power everything that fossil fuels are being used currently to power and you could use wind power as well to make a better alternative to fossil fuels

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.

What energy source can you use instead of fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are exhaustible. Electric energy is an alternative.

3 fossil fuels that make 90 percent of Australia's energy use?

Australia uses coal, oil and natural gas. These are fossil fuels. The amount of energy derived from the wind and solar is rising fast.

What do these energy sources have in common and how do they differ from fossil fuels?

Answer: Many natural resources are of energy. People use energy not only from fossil fuels, but also from the wind and the sun. Dams produce hydroelectric power by harnessing the power of falling water.

Are fossil fuels the most efficient energy source available?

No. Nuclear energy is the most efficient in producing steam for use in engines. 15-20% of the energy in fossil fuels is lost up chimneys into the atmosphere, and is unusable. Solar and Wind energy farms cannot harness or convert effectively all the energy in the sunlight or wind and have much lower actual efficiencies. Fossil fuels presently are the cheapest and most reliable energy source available. Solar and wind energy are less reliable.

Do ecnomical cars use fossil fuels?

All cars use fossil fuels somewhere in their energy cycle.