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Limited fossil fuels, air quality problems, need for electricity.

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Q: Why does japan use nuclear power?
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What was one event that helped the US a world power?

Nuclear attack to japan

Where do Japan keep their nuclear bombs?

Japan has no nuclear weapons.

When was the last nuclear power plant built?

New Nuclear plants continue to be built across the the world all the time. Here in the United States, it has become a political propaganda tool by some political groups who care nothing for what their stated goals are, but only for the leverage the subject can give them as a political power issue. This, along with safety concerns after the Three Mile Island accident, has led to a virtual halt to new nuclear plant construction here in the U.S., and an increase in coal and oil fired power plants that add to greenhouse gases and global warming. The rest of the world isn't quite as ignorant though. Japan is a good example of a country that gets most of its electricity from Nuclear Power. The only country where nuclear weapons have been used offensively, Japan uses Nuclear Power as their primary source of electricity. Japan is the 2nd largest user of Nuclear Power in the world. Though some incidents there have led to some construction slowdowns, new plants are still a priority for them.

Is Japan banned from nuclear weapons?

No, but Japan banned them within their own territory themselves.

What is the use of the first nuclear bomb?

The first nuclear bomb used in war was dropped on Hiroshima Japan on August 6, 1945. The purpose was to convince Japan to surrender before the invasion landing scheduled for the end of August began. These were expected to be the bloodiest landings in the entire war!

Related questions

Does japan use only nuclear power?

No. Much of their power comes from coal.

First Asian country to use nuclear power?


Which fuels does Japan use?

Nuclear Power

Is japan isa member of Nuclear power state?

Japan has nuclear power plants but no nuclear weapons

What does japanese use nuclear power for?

Japan uses nuclear power for energy instead of items such as coal and fossil fuels.

What Asian country that uses nuclear power?

There are a number of Asian countries that use nuclear power, Japan, China, India, Pakistan, and others.

Is Japan a nuclear power?


Did they use any nuclear power in World War 2?

yes they did they made the nuclear explotion in hiroshima and nagazaki in japan.

Why do some not agree with Japan building and using nuclear power plants?

Some people do not agree with Japan building and using nuclear power plants because twenty percent of the worlds earthquakes occur in Japan which causes dangers for the people living in Japan.

Were is nuclear energy used the most and why?

Japan and the US both use large amounts of nuclear power. The reason for this is both are highly populated, industrial countries. They use a lot of power, so they need efficient energy sources like nuclear power.

Should Japan be allowed to use Nuclear power due to the recent events?

Japan is a sovereign nation, so decides for itself

Where is nuclear power made?

for eg japan