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The same as it does when you are standing on your feet. Your heart pumps and forces the blood through your body.

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Q: How does your blood circulate when standing on your head?
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How does the blood circulate to the head and neck?

The common carotid arteries take blood to the head and the neck and the jugular veins take the blood back down.

Is standing on your head healthy or unhealthy?

Standing on your head is one of 2 or 3 excellent ways to resolve 'restless leg syndrome'. Remain on your head long enough to 'feel' the blood drain out of your feet and ankles. Pooled blood from standing and sitting all day is heavy and sludgy. Therefore when you sleep your legs are literally "hot, heavy and restless". And in their attempt to cool down and circulate properly, they, by force of nature, kick. Get in bed right after you stand on your head so as not to reverse the benefits of less blood in your feet and you should sleep much better. Standing on your head also turns your organs upside down which can relieve pockets of compressed tissue; which may improve digestion and congested flow of chemical processes. Standing on your head will strengthen your abs and triceps. -alan

How long can a person survive standing on their head?

as long as the blood doesnt go to their head

When you are standing on your head the blood goes to your head so when you are standing up straight why doesn't the blood go to your feet?

Your heart pumps blood to all organs in your body. when you stand upright blood will be pumped to your feet with much less effort than standing on your head. When you are under normal gravitational force, even though gravity has an effect on blood flow, your blood circulation is totally controlled by your heart. So when you stand on your head blood will also be pumped to your feet.

What changes in blood vessels account for the change in blood pressure when standing from the reclining position?

head neck

What will happen to the body if blood fails to circulate?

The person will die if the blood does not circulate. Blood is necessary to supply food and oxygen to the body.

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Circulate blood.