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it will float. The water bonds to itself and if one droplet runs into another, there is a good chance that they will combine and move together

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Q: How does zero gravity effect water?
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What is the Effect of zero gravity on water?

Without any other influences (air current, pokey fingers) water forms a sphere in zero gravity. Most astronauts like to play with spheres of water (or juice or other liquids).

How does zero gravity effect digestive system?

it does not

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Gravity does not effect speed of light ,so velocity is constant. Even if it effect the effect is negligible. So in short answer is 3*108ms-1 -Thunder

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Zero! that's why it is called zero gravity!

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In zero gravity, the lack of gravitational force causes the spine to decompress and elongate. This can lead to increased height and temporary relief from spinal compression. However, prolonged exposure to zero gravity can weaken the spine and lead to muscle atrophy and loss of bone density, which can have negative long-term effects on spinal health.

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Can water become water vapour in zero gravity?

no. . water changes into vapours only when heated untll the molecules tend to leave the surface of water whereas at zero gravity water will fly upwards instead of falling down like other things does. i have seen it in national geogrphic channel. . . :)

How does gravity help water wheel turn?

Gravity is the force responsible for pulling the water down to Earth, and the water in turn turns the wheel. So in effect gravity is doing all the work.

How does water take shape in a vacuum?

The same as it does in atmosphere. Do you mean in zero-gravity perhaps?

When did you say that the zero gravity is no gravity?

Depends on the atmosphere. location, place, space and time of zero gravity