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Taking vinegar internally with meals may improve digestion thereby strengthening bodily defenses.

Using vinegar topically will mildly inhibit ringworm (fungal) growth. This is not a sure cure. However, common household bleach will cure ringworm. It is usually mixed with water; at least 9 parts water to 1 part bleach. Often 1 ounce bleach in a quart of water is sufficient. Weaker solutions need to be left on the skin longer. For athlete's foot (ringworm on the feet) a few glugs of bleach in the tub at the beginning of a showed can stop athlete's foot in 1 treatment.

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Q: How doese vinegar help on ringworm?
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Does vinegar kill ringworm?

Ringworm is a fungal infection caused by several organisms...and there are different types of ringworm. Vinegar is not going to end the problem. If you are wondering if you should launder clothes in vinegar that have been removed from a person...or bedding...bedding from animal..the answer is: it would be better to launder them in Clorox and very hot water. As far as putting vinegar on the spots on the skin, can get clotrimizole or other antifungals at your pharmacy over the counter...or the best thing to do would be to see a doctor or a Veterinarian as the management of ringworm requires that you be educated as to how to eliminate it from your environment. Ringworm has spores that are difficult to eliminate. Knowing more of your circumstances would help answer the problem.

Should you use bleach or vinegar to wash your clothes when your toddler has ringworm?

It isn't necessary. Ringworm is not a particularly tough fungus. Regular washing will kill the spores, although washing in hot water will help (If the clothing can tolerate it), and leaving the clothing to soak for ten to fifteen minutes after the tub initially fills will help as well.

Does neosporin treat ringworm?

If you apply Neosporin on your weal/welt caused by ringworm it will keep it dry which is a good thing. Neosporin doesn't help getting completely rid of ringworm but it does help. To get rid of ringworm you need an anti-fungus cream for ringworm is a fungus growing on your skin.

Doese mane and trail raely help the split ends?

Yes it does.

Can halobetasol propionate cream help ringworm?

Yes, in high doses

What is the treatment for ringworm?

The treatment for ringworm is an antibiotic. They will give you a cream that you rub on it and it will die off within a certain amount of time. It will help cure it faster.

Can you go tanning with ringworm?

Yes you can go tanning with ringworm. The bright UV lights damage the ringworm fungus and drys out your skin. This process of quickly drying the skin will actually help get rid of the ringworm. I would wait to apply any topical creams until after you are done tanning because they might irritate your skin when combined with tanning lights. P.S. Don't tell the tanning business that you have ringworm because they might not let you into the beds. (You can trust this answer, I have had ringworm multiple times, it comes with being a wrestler)

Is vinegar countable or uncountable?


Can you get ringworm from someone who has chickenpox?

Chickenpox and ringworm are caused by completely different microbes. You can only get ringworm from someone with chickenpox if they also have ringworm.

Do vinegar help headaches?

Vinegar will help clear your sinuses. THAT helps your headaches.

What are the symptoms and treatments for ringworm?

Well I can tell you if you have a big or small circle around your arm with white inside that's ringworm. The best think that I would tell you to do is go to or they will help you.

Is a Ringworm a parasite?

Ringworm is actually a misnomer, it is caused by a fungus, not a worm. Antifungals usually help, or if a more natural approach appeals to you, tea tree essential oil (but make sure to dilute it before putting it on your skin.) Here's the link for ringworm at WebMD: