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Q: How early did James Madison arrive to the constitution convention in philadelphia?
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Who was the first to arrive at the constitution convention?

The first person to arrive at the constitutional convention was John Dickinson

How did delegates arrive at the Constitutional Convention?

Horse & sea

Who was the oldest person to attend the Constitutional Convention?

All 13 states were invited to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Only Rhode Island refused to send delegates, fearing (correctly) that the Convention didn't really intend to revise the Articles of Confederation, but rather to replace it with a Constitution that created a strong federal government.

What was the outcome of the Annapolis Convention?

The Annapolis Convention resulted in a request for a larger convention where all states would send delegates authorized to examine broad issues. This led to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

What day and month did Alexander Martin arrive at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

January 28, 1778

Why did the Annapolis Convention of 1786 fail to answer the needs of the US?

Aside from the fact that only 5 of the 13 states were represented (New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia), the delegates had not been authorized to seek more than a limited agreement on commercial trade. The representatives of 4 other states did not arrive on time for the meeting. The remaining 4 states were absent. The final report recognized that a wider convention would be required to address the deficiencies of the Articles of Confederation, not the least of which was the requirement of unanimity (difficult if not impossible to achieve). That convention would be held in Philadelphia in 1787, and ultimately replaced the Articles with an entirely new framework, the US Constitution.

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How long does a letter take to get from Philadelphia to kansas city. Mo

What states attended the constitutional convention of 1787?

Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, New Jersey, and Georgia all sent delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Rhode Island objected to any amendment of the Articles of Confederation and believed that the government should stay out of rights and powers belonging to the states, so Rhode Island did not send any delegates to the Convention.

How long does it take us standard mail to arrive from California to Philadelphia?

First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.

How long does it take for regular mail to arrive from philadelphia to Washington dc?

First Class Mail is delivered in 3 to 5 days.

Can you arrive 2 months earlier to attend rotary convention?

Seems pointless, but there would be no reason why one couldn't do this. Lots of people may travel to places and spend time around a convention schedule - two months of staying at one place seems odd.

What problems might arrive due to the fact that each state issued its own money?

This is exactly what happened when the original colonies were governed by the Federalist Papers, which led to the Continental Congress and the founding of the Constitution for the nation. Each state would not take the other states money and trade between the states broke down. To alleviate the problem the states came together to work out the problems under the auspice of the Convention of States. What they ended up getting was the Constitution that radically changed trade, economic trade and international trade.