

How ecilipse occures?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A lunar eclipse happens when all or part of the moon passes into the shadow of Earth.

A solar eclipse happens when part of Earth is in the shadow of the moon.

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What time does earth pass through areas of debris in the solar system?

All the time, but the highest concentration of junk occures when we pass through the path of a comet. The big shows are called meteor showers and happen every year. Some of the better-known meteor showers and their approximate dates are: Lyrids, Apr. 21; Perseids, Aug. 12; Orionids, Oct. 20; Taurids, Nov. 4; Leonids, Nov. 16; Geminids, Dec. 13.

How does the northern lights work?

This occures when when highly charged electrons from the solar wind interact with elements in the earth's atmosphere. Solar winds stream away from the sun at speeds of about 1 million miles per hour. When they reach the earth, some 40 hours after leaving the sun, they follow the lines of magnetic force generated by the earth's core and flow through the magnetosphere, a teardrop-shaped area of highly charged electrical and magnetic fields. The color of the aurora depends on which atom is struck, and the altitude of the meeting.Green - oxygen, up to 150 miles in altitudeRed - oxygen, above 150 miles in altitudeBlue - nitrogen, up to 60 miles in altitudePurple/violet - nitrogen, above 60 miles in altitudeIf they're combined this means this means that there are all different kinds of altitude and nitrogen/oxygen mix. They go on an 11 year cycle and the next predited time is in 2011 or 2012, which is this year or next year. This is what I learned on my trip to Alaska for my 16th birthday. I hope that this can help. :)

The planet that is a hot ball of glowing gas?

None of the gas giant planets is a "hot ball of glowing gas".Jupiter's surface temperature is estimated at negative 166° F.Saturn's surface temperature is estimated at negative 220° F.Uranus' surface temperature is estimated at negative 320° F.Neptune's surface temperature is estimated at negative 330° F.The sun is a hot ball of glowing gas. The temperature at its visible surface is estimated at plus 9,980° F.

What is happening when your eyes distinguish an object as having a certain visual color?

Your eyes perceive color as flags. There are chemical tubes in the eye that contain flags for the color that you see around you. For example when you see a blue ball your eyes pick up the color blue via the chemical tubes. The chemical tubes entrusted with capturing the color blue "flash" and send signals to the brain which the brain intreprets as being blue. While this occures the chemical within the tube deplets, the amount of depleted chemical marks the intensity of the color in terms of brightness. So if it were a very bright, shining blue then the chemical withing the tubes deplets more and signals the brain to intrepret the ball to be very shiny. Thus this explains why you temporarily become blind when you look into the sun. When you look into the sun, the light coming from the sun is white meaning it has all of the colors of the visible spectrum, thus all of the chemical tubes become active in the eye, and since the sun burns with a great intensity, the chemical within thse tubes deplete very quickly and completely, hence in one sense your are not technically blind but are actually seeing every color of the spectrum at the same time. Then in a couple of minutes, while looking away from the sun, the chemicals in the tubes return and once again you can see.

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