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Two doses of the ivermectin cured 99% of cases of head lice as well as intestinal worms in a poor population with high rates of infestation with both types of parasites.

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Q: How effective is ivermectin in treating lice?
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Related questions

What antiparasite drug can be used to treat lice infestations?

Another drug that appears to be effective in treating lice is ivermectin (Stromectol), a strong antiparasite drug that is usually given to treat intestinal worms.

What new medication is effective in treating permethrin-resistant lice?

Ovide, a newer medication containing malathion, appears to be effective in treating patients with permethrin-resistant lice.

Can you use brake fluid for treating pubic lice?

No, brake fluid is not a sensible treatment for pubic lice.

What reading material is available on the use of ivermectin to treat lice infestations?

Heukelbach, J., T. Wilcke, B. Winter, et al. "Efficacy of Ivermectin in a Patient Population Concomitantly Infected with Intestinal Helminths and Ectoparasites." Arzneimittelforschung 54 (2004): 416-421.

What is effective at treating strep throat but not at treating the flu?

An antibiotic.

Why can't dairy cows take ivermectin?

Dairy cows can be treated with ivermectin, but it causes two problems. First, the ivermectin has a milk withhold time - for a specific amount of time the milk from that cow must be thrown away so it can cost the farmer a lot of money depending on where she is in her lactation curve. Second, ivermectin is active against both pests (mites, lice, etc.) and helpful insects like the dung beetle which helps break down the cow patties in the pastures.

Can you bathe with borax soap for pubic lice?

You can bathe with borax soap, but it won't kill the lice. Use an effective lice medication.

What botanical is not effective against head lice?


What does ivermectin treat?

Ivermectin was introduced in the year the 1970s from a bacteria identified in a soil sample taken from a Japanese golf course's woodlands. In the years afterward, the efficiency of ivermectin and its derivatives in treating parasitic worm diseases has revolutionized human and veterinary medicine, earning William C Campbell and Satoshi Mura the Nobel Prize for their discovery. Ivermectin is now used in tablet form for the treatment of certain roundworm infections.

How are central nervous system stimulants effective in treating ADHD?

These medications are often effective at treating symptoms of impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity, which are hallmark features of the disorder.

Is neurofeedback effective in treating borderline personality disorder?

Neurofeedback is effective in treating emotional overarousal, which is part of the symptomotology of Borderline Personality Disorder; however, there is no research to suggest that neurofeedback is effective at extinguishing the diagnosis.

Is Albendazole the same as ivermectin?

Albendazole is a member of the benzimidazole compounds. Ivermectin is a an avermectin.