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add more plants, fish, or castles. you can also add different types of gravel (for example multicolored stones, lava rocks) you can add realistic back rounds to the outside of the back of your tank. aireators, and place different sized stones for the fish to swim threw. live plants are easy to care for and add a different texture to your tank

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Q: How else could you make the aquarium look attractive?
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How could you make a aquarium look attractive?

Land(aqua) scape it.

Do guys give you a second look what does it mean?

If a guy gives you a second look, it typically indicates that he finds you attractive or interesting in some way. It could mean that he is intrigued and wants to get to know you better.

What is a normal aquarium supposed to look like?

Its completely up to the owner of the aquarium.

Can you give me sentence using the word attractive?

she has an attractive look; she look so pretty.

What is rimless aquarium?

Most common aquariums that you find in Petsmart etc have a black or wood-trim plastic rim that goes along the top edges of the aquarium. It's where you'd mount your light fixture or filters etc. A rimless tank is simply a tank without this plastic piece. Rimless tanks are most commonly acrylic saltwater tanks. The rimless look is attractive because it allows slightly more tank to be visible and gives the aquarium a "sleek" look.

How to Create An Attractive Fish Aquarium?

Watching fish swim gracefully back and forth in an aquarium can be a relaxing pastime. And a fish aquarium can also be an attractive item in the home. Here are a few tips for creating a fish aquarium that will look appealing and be a pleasure to own. 1. If you do not have a good deal of time to maintain an aquarium, choose one of a smaller size that will not require as much maintenance. You might also want to consider a freshwater aquarium to start off with, as saltwater aquariums require more time and attention. Later, you can always add a saltwater fish aquarium to your home. 2. A natural-looking aquarium, made up of artificial or live plants, can be a peaceful environment for the fish and an attractive item in the home. If you like a very colorful aquarium, then you might want to choose some of the fancy ornaments that are made specifically for placing in fish aquariums. You can also decorate the tank with colorful gravel along the bottom, which will add even more vibrancy to the atmosphere of the aquarium. 3. For the health of the fish, you should place your aquarium in a location where the indoor temperature will not fluctuate. It should also be kept out of direct sunlight. In colder weather, a tank heater will keep the water temperature at a consistent level. 4. Make certain that you have all of the proper equipment for your tank. An aquarium with dead fish will not be attractive or relaxing. Your fish aquarium should have gravel, a heater, a light, a filter, and places for your fish to hide. Check with your local fish store to see if you have all of the equipment your tank will need to keep the fish happy and healthy. 5. When choosing occupants for your tank, be certain to pick fish that are compatible with each other and will not fight. You will end up with sick or dead fish if you try to pair up inhabitants that will not get along with each other. With the proper occupants and equipment, your fish aquarium will be beautiful.

What do you mean by attractive personality?

Physical beauty has nothing to do with an attractive personality. If someone's personality is attractive it means the way they act, not the way they look, is attractive.

Why does telling someone that they look attractive naked make them more upset when they already are?

I'm sure that person would like to hear you say 'you look attractive naked, but you are attractive regardless of what you look like'. I hope my answer helped.

Can guys paint there nails and still look attractive to girls?

This is not attractive at ALL to most girls. It makes you look feminine or girlie.

Are you allowed to tell your boyfriend that you thinks he looks hot actually use the word hot when he dresses nicely or looks good or is that considered shallow?

It is human nature to want to look attractive to the opposite sex. Hot is simply a term that means you find someone else attractive. Think about all the ridiculous mating rituals other species partake in just to get the attention of the opposite sex. If they could talk, they'd be saying, "My goodness, look at how big he can spread his wings!" "And his coloring, oh so perfect!" "That hoping and squeaking....he is HOT!!" Being considered sexually attractive is a compliment and when humans dress up and look their finest...they hope they look hot!

Is sunlight bad for neon tetras?

Sunlight isnt bad for the neons themselves, but it is bad for the aquarium. If there is an abundance of sunlight in the aquarium, it can promote algal growth which will make your aquarium look gunky.

How do you look attractive in middle school?

their really isn't any specific way too be attractive.