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Q: How environmental factors can influence behavior and whether or not human beings naturally need social order?
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What are the factors that influence group?

what are the factors that influence group behavior

What can influence your influence?

environmental factors e.g. epigenetics

Are personality traits more useful than environmental influences for predicting behavior?

Personality traits and environmental influences both play important roles in predicting behavior. Personality traits provide insight into an individual's typical patterns of behavior, while environmental influences can shape behavior in response to external factors. Both factors should be considered when predicting behavior, as they can interact and influence each other in complex ways.

What are environmental factors for today's management to study organizational behavior?

Environmental factors for today's management to study organizational behavior include globalization, technology, diversity, ethics, and sustainability. Understanding how these factors influence employee behavior, decision-making processes, and organizational culture can help managers navigate complex challenges and drive positive change within their organizations.

Which variables to criminologists think influence criminal behavior?

Criminologists believe that various factors can influence criminal behavior, including biological factors (genetics, brain functioning), psychological factors (personality traits, mental health issues), social factors (family, peer influence, socioeconomic status), and environmental factors (neighborhood crime rates, access to resources). These factors can interact in complex ways to shape an individual's likelihood of engaging in criminal activity.

What are the causes of behavior?

Behavior can be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetics plays a role in determining certain behavior traits, while environmental factors such as upbringing, experiences, and social interactions also shape behavior. Additionally, psychological factors such as beliefs, attitudes, and emotions can influence how a person behaves in different situations.

Behavioral psychologists look for connections between observable behavior and certain?

Behavioral psychologists look for connections between observable behavior and certain stimuli, environmental factors, or internal processes such as thoughts and emotions. They focus on understanding how these factors influence behavior and how behavior can be modified or changed through interventions.

What does Environmental medicine mean?

Environmental medicine is a field that studies exactly how environmental factors influence disease

What variables do criminologists think influence criminal behavior?

Criminologists believe that various factors can influence criminal behavior, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental variables. These factors can include genetics, brain chemistry, childhood experiences, socio-economic status, peer influence, and access to education and resources. It is generally accepted that criminal behavior is the result of a complex interaction between these different factors.

What factors influence our political orientation and voting behavior?

Party identification and ideology are more general, long-run factors that influence voting behavior.

Biological theory to deviance?

Biological theory of deviance proposes that certain biological factors, such as genetics or brain structure, play a role in influencing deviant behavior. Some researchers argue that abnormalities in these biological factors can predispose individuals to engage in antisocial or criminal behavior, although environmental factors also interact with biological factors to shape behavior. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications and limitations of solely attributing deviance to biological factors, as social and environmental factors also influence an individual's propensity for deviant behavior.

How can environmental factors can influence a trait?

by making you feel dizzy !