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Q: How far ahead should you look in traffic?
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How far ahead should you check traffic signals?

at least a block ahead

How far should you look ahead in city traffic on rural roads?

In city traffic, at least 1 1/2 -2 blocks ahead. On rural (country) roads about 4 blocks or 1/2 mile ahead.

When you aim high do you adjust your headlights higher?

To "aim high" means to look far ahead when you drive. We do not look at our feet when we walk, we look ahead. Aiming high allows you to be able to analyze traffic situations. In city traffic, look at least one block ahead. On highways and expressways, look as far ahead as possible, for at least 2-3 seconds.

How far ahead should cdl drivers look ahead?

12-15 Seconds

When in traffic you should stay far enough behind the vehile ahead to?

Be prepared for sudden stops by keeping a cushion between you and the vehicle ahead

How far ahead does the manual say you should look?

12 to 15 seconds

How far ahead should you look when you are on the highway?

About one mileActually, it's half a mile.

How far ahead should you look when you are on the open highway?

About one mileActually, it's half a mile.

How far ahead should you look at highway speeds?

well if youre driving at high speed (80+) then you should look as far ahead as possible without losing focus on the road in front of you. If youre going normal driving speeds then about a quarter mile will do

On a city street you should be looking ahead of you as far as the car in front of you?

No. You should be looking scanning everywhere for road signs, traffic ahead, and what people ahead of you are doing. and you should also watch around your car for things like cats or other animals that might try to run in front of you. at first when you start to drive you will probably look at the car ahead of you but the more you drive the more you will start to pay attention to everything going on

How far should you look ahead while driving on the highway?

Look as far as possible to scan for any dangers, look too close, things move to fast, looking further ahead means things come slower

On the city street you should be looking ahead of you as far ahead as the car in front of you?

On city streets, you should maintain a safe following distance (two seconds) from the car ahead of you. Keep a constant scan going for signs, traffic lights, pedestrians, bicycles, and anything else that might create an emergency situation. Look past the car ahead of you for obstacles and brake lights from the car in front of the one you're following.