

How far does the average human's blood flow in a second?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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  • It ranges from 0.03 cm/sec (in Capillaries) through 15 cm/sec (in Vena cavae inferior and superior) to 40 cm/sec (in Aorta).
  • Blood flow is the continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system. This process ensures the transportation of nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes, O2 and CO2 throughout the body to maintain cell-level metabolism, the regulation of the pH, osmotic pressure and temperature of the whole body, and the protection from microbial and mechanical harms.
  • A typical human body contains 5.6 liters of blood. The heart pumps about 7,571 liters of blood a day through its chambers.
  • For more information, refer to links below.
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first go to the doctor, second I had a period the first three months with both of my pregnancy's. If the flow is brown that usually means old blood. Are you cramping? How heavy is the flow? Foremost GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!

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The usual menstrual duration is 3-5 days with a variable flow. The amount of blood lost can range from spotting up t 80 cc. However, the average amount lost is 30 cc. The average amount of blood lost divided by the number of days of bleeding would give an estimated daily blood loss. Various factors affact the flow rate including medications, diseases of blood clotting and endometrial thickening.

How long does it take for the blood to flow through the body?

For an adult it takes the average of 1:02.34 minutes.

What is blood flow generated by?

The flow of blood times the resistance of the blood vessels.

Is blood flow faster in veins?

Blood flow is faster in arteries than in veins. Blood flow in veins is lower pressure.