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Q: How far was it for he Magi from Persia to travel to reach Bethlehem?
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Why do the magi travel to Bethlehem?

The magi traveled to Bethlehem because they wanted to go see Jesus, and bring him gifts, when he was born.

Where did the magi lived?

The Magi are traditionally believed to have come from the East, possibly from regions like Persia or Babylon. They followed a star to Bethlehem to visit the baby Jesus.

How long did it take for the magi to reach jesus?

I don't think it says in the Bible but my best guess is two to three years.ANSWER 2: Assuming the question is how many years it took the magi to travel to Bethlehem... The three wise men "from the east" of Judea would have followed the star from Persia, because it was a prophecy of their prophet Zoroaster. A journey by camel from Persia would have taken only a few months or less.

Who were the magi from the east?

The Magi were priests from Persia.

Where in Persia did the magi live?

In Media.

Where did the Magi find the child Jesus?

Matthew's Gospel tells us that the magi found the baby Jesus in a house in Bethlehem.

What is the possible method of travel used by the wise men going to Jerusalem?

Matthew's Gospel says that magi came to Bethlehem to worship Jesus. The magi were not so much wise men, although that is how they were universally perceived in the ancient Near East, but priests of Ahura Mazda, the god of Zoroastrianism. They would have come from Persia (Iran) or what is now Iraq. If they had come directly across the Jordanian Desert, they could only have come by camel. If they came around the fertile crescent, through Syria, they could have walked or ridden donkeys or horses. However, Bishop Spong says that all his acquaintances in New Testament circles say that Matthew's magi were not real people. For Spong and many others, Matthew was writing Christian midrash and thus wise men did not travel to Bethlehem.

Why did King Herod send the Magi to Bethlehem?

King Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to find the baby they were looking for. He wanted them to come back and tell him where the baby was. He told them he wanted to know so he could worship him also, but he really planned to have him killed. The magi were warned in a dream, and so did not return to King Herod, but left another way.

Who magi made a long journey to Bethlehem to find?

The magi are referred to as the three wise men and they traveled to find Jesus Christ our savior. God guided them by the Northern star.

What was ancient Persia's occupations?

There were priests, called Magi, herders, and farmers. That's all I know.

Did a star guide them to Bethlehem?

The Magi, yes. It was also seen by shepherds watching their flocks in the area. Not a bad idea. By the way the Magi are not referred to as Kings or even noblemen in the biblical account.

Where do three wise man that came to Bethlehem when Jesus was born came from?

Whether or not there were actually 3 wise men, or fewer or more, is a matter for academic debate. All we know is that the Wise Men, or Magi, were from the East. It says in Matthew 2:1-2, "After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." So they were from the east.