

Best Answer

it can wiggl wiggl wigl twenty miles per hour

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Q: How fast can the red belly black snake move?
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How fast can move?

depends. black mamba is fastest snake 12 mph.

How fast does a gopher snake move?

Fast... Real fast...

How can a snake move fast without legs and feets?

The scales on their belly are large, and overlap going towards the tail. Strong muscles enable them to push against the ground, pushing them forward.

Did a black mamba snake move up to 30 mph while chasing a man on horseback?

Probably not. If Black Mamba could travel at 30mph then someone would have seen one and told me about it. Think how fast that is. What kind of snake can move that fast. It make be able to strike at short distances at incredible speeds but certainly not travel at 30mph.

How does a black mamba snake move?

they moove like any other snake by slithering on its scales!! == ==

What is the fastest snake venom?

The Black Mamba is the fastest venomous snake.

How fast can a king cobra move?

about 8 to 10 miles per hour! and dude that's a fast snake!

How fast can the black mamba move?

Up to 12mph

How fast can black mambas move?

About 20kph (12mph)

What is the fastes snake?

The fastest striking snake is the Puff Adder.

How fast does a cobra snake move?

Well Of Course 10 miles per hour!

How snake move?

snake have not animals like in move flexible