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Q: How fast does water passes through sandy soil and clay soil?
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How do clay soils differ from sandy soils?

The sandy soils let the water pass through but the clay soils hold the water

Why does water pass through clay so slow?

Water passes through clay slower because clay has greater density than regular dirt so it is a lot more compact.

Why sandy soils are drier than the clayey soil?

Water can easily move through sandy soils, wheras clay-rich soil is much harder for water to penetrate, so sandy soils are drier.

Would water drain away faster through clay soil or sand?

Water drains much faster through sandy soil. Soil with a heavy clay content holds moisture for a long while.

How come water passes through sand better than clay?

because sand has small grains and allows water to travel through it. Clay has smaller grains than sand and doesn't allow water to travel through it quickly.

Is clay less porous than sandy soil?

Yes. Clay soil is much less porous than sandy soil. Water can stand for days in a hole dug in clay soil, but in sandy soil the water would drain quickly.

Which soil holds the most water?

Clay retains the most water.

Why is sandy soil better than clay soil for under cement slabs?

sandy soil drains water

Which soil is better at letting water drain through it sandy soil or clay soil?

In clay soils are very small gaps between the rock particles, and so clay soils do not drain well. In sandy soils there are bigger gaps between the particles, allowing the soil to drain well and contain enough air.

How well does clay soil hold water?

Water is held between soil particles by capillary forces. Coarse sandy soils have large pores and water drains through it quickly. Clay soils have smaller pores and are able to hold more water.

Why do clay and organic soils hold nutrient better then sandy soils?

Clay and organic soils hold nutrients better then sandy soils because the sandy soils as the water drains away, the water will carry the nutrients with it. This is called leaching and the nutrients will not be available for the plants to use.

Why sandy soil is dry to comparison to clay?

BEcause sand cannot retain water, whereas clay is very good at it.