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The fastest recorded speed is 102mph but the average is around 40 not 100 as the adverts say. And the force is not enough to blow the eyes out of their sockets.

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Q: How fast is the air blown out your nose when you sneeze?
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What is a sneeze?

A sneeze is an involuntary expulsion of air induced by an irritation in the nose.

Can a sneeze travel as fast as a hurricane?

Yes, the air traveling out of your nose during a sneeze can travel up to 100 mph, which would be equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane.

Why don't fish sneeze?

A sneeze is a forced expellation of air in response to some irritation in the nose or throat. Fish do not breath air so they can not sneeze.

Is it better to sneeze or not to?

It's much better to let yourself sneeze. You sneeze because there's something inside your nose that isn't supposed to be there. When you sneeze, the air blasts out whatever was bothering your nose. Also, the pressure from holding in a sneeze could hurt your ears.

How is a sneeze different from a cough?

A sneeze is completely involuntary and cannot be stopped. A cough reflex is also involuntary, but it is sometimes possible to "hold it in". Coughing comes from the lungs while sneezing comes from the nose.

How much power is in a sneeze?

It is approximated, that there is about 0.3 Joules of energy in a sneeze. A sneeze refers to a convulsive expulsion of the air from the lungs through the nose and mouth.

What is the description of a sneeze?

A sneeze is an involuntary explosive burst of air from the nose and mouth that removes offending material from the nasal passages.

ayo why does my sneeze sound like a cough?

The noise a sneeze makes depends on how the air exists your nose and mouth

Is it normal for a Bordernese dog to put her nose in the air and lick the air?

Either it has something stuck in its mouth, has to sneeze, or has something stuck in its nose.

What makes a person to sneeze?

Mucus in your nose with air trying to move pass it

What actually is a sneeze?

A sneeze is an involuntary reflex which causes air to be forcefully expelled from the mouth and nose. Sneezes are triggered by something irritating inside the nose, with the purpose of the sneeze being to expel the irritant and any excess mucus from the nasal passages.

The causes of a sneeze?

Sneezes are caused by something irritating the inside of your nose. It could be something like dust, pepper, or an allergy to something. The sneeze then blasts air out of your nose and mouth to get rid of the irritant.