

How fast the grow Oscar fish?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They should be around 8 inches long in 12 months.

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Q: How fast the grow Oscar fish?
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it depend upon on ur fish tank if big fish tank it can grow fast !!!!!!!!!!!!

What type of fish is Oscar from shark tales?

Oscar is a type of fish so he is a Oscar fish

What breed is an Oscar fish?

Oscar fishes breed is Oscar

Where can you catch Oscar fish?

Oscar fish can be caught in the canals of Southern Florida.

Why do Oscar fish need to live alone?

Oscars should be kept alone so they don't eat any of your other fish of fight with other Oscars. Oscars also grow very fast and as they do they become more and more aggressive. They can sometimes be kept with a large plecostomus if your tank has plenty of room.

How fast do fish grow in fish tycoon?

In about 5 to10 hours th fish will grow In the game Fish Tycoon the fish will eventually grow overtime in about 5-10 hours. But you have to watch very carefully because they can actually get ill over that amount of time too. You can play Fish Tycoon on yahoo games.

Why is your new albino Oscar fish hiding from your black Oscar fish?

Not totally sure but if the black Oscar is bigger that could be the reason

Will your Oscar fish die in saltwater?

Yes. The oscar is a freshwater fish, and cannot tolerate saltwater.

Are Oscar fish the smartest fish?

No,But their smart

Do Oscars live in salt water or fresh water?

The fish most frequently referred to as the Oscar is Astronotus ocellatus. It is a freshwater cichlid. Oscars are predators that grow very large and eat anything, in quantity. If it fits into the Oscar's cavernous mouth, it will be eaten. They are not beginners' fish.

What is an easy fish to breed that is not very expensive and grows fast?

Carp, or tillapia, these fish are sold commercially. These fish are cheap to buy, they reproduce well , and grow quickly.