

Best Answer

Flowers use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and release oxygen by respiration.


The impact of flowers may not be all for the better. Aside from the release of oxygen during daylight ours (which is good) flowers:

  • release pollen which may aggrevate Allergies and Asthma
  • release odours which may not be pleasant to all people (an example is the Stinking Corpse Lily (Rafflesia arnoldii) from the Indonesian Rain Forest)
  • harbour or attract insects, spores and fungus
  • be poisonous to the touch
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Q: How flowers make the air better?
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To make us see them better.

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Flowers, a card, and a big hug.

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They are not better they are different.

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We people conserve air to stop air pollution and make the air and the world a better place and to make the animals and people be healthy.

Does the air pump make a car perform better?

Perform better, no. The air pump helps to clean up the emissions.

How are flowers helpful for the environment?

Flowers are extremely helpful for the environment. Flowers put oxygen back into the air, making the air we all breathe much cleaner and safer. By planting flowers and saving our natural resources such as flowers, we are able to increase and save our natural resources. We want to use our natural resources as wisely as possible to protect our environment and make the world a more beautiful place.

Can all flowers used to make perfumes?

No. That statement is not properly formed. You could say it better:The little shop sells perfumes that smell of flowers.It would be better to say:The little shop sells perfumes that have the fragrance of flowers.

Can flowers grow with soda better than water?

Flowers will not grow with soda better than they will with water. The sugar and carbonation in soda can kill flowers.

When do bees make honey?

Whenever they can collect nectar. This depends on the weather; air temperature; availability of nectar-bearing flowers and, indeed, whether those flowers have nectar (they won't, for instance, in a drought).

Does photosynthesis make the air better for us why do you say so?


How do you make you feel better?

Show them love, lots of compliments, help them exercise, flowers, chocolate, and show them appreciation.