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Since Earth is falling into the sun and is moving perpendicular to the sun at great speeds, by the time the Earth "falls into the sun", it is 90 degrees around its orbit. The same thing occurs with the other seven planets.

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An excellent question. We know that gravity exists, and we can measure its effects, and we know in general what it does - but we have only guesses as to how it works, or why, or what causes it.

Gravity is caused by mass - but we don't know how. Gravity attracts all masses together - but we don't know if there is some sort of intermediary particle such as the photon for light that carries it. If there is any reality to the postulated "graviton", we've never detected it.

We don't know how fast it travels - we GUESS that the influence of gravity travels at the speed of light, but we can't prove it, or even demonstrate that it DOES propagate.

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Q: How gravity and centrifugal force keep the planets in orbit?
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The force of gravity opposes what other force?

The force of gravity opposes acceleration away from the source of the gravity. This is expressed as "centrifugal force" or the perpendicular component of a tangential velocity. The balance between these keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

How does gravity affect the relationship between the sun and the planets?

Yes. It keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

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the suns gravity keeps the planets in orbit

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i think its is by the force of gravity planets are kepet orbit

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The planets are held in orbit by the gravity of the Sun, and also because that is what happens when the force of inertia and gravity are combined.

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What force from the sun keeps the planets in their orbit?


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Because space is a vacuum, the planets have no frictional force to slow them down, unless they collide with another planet. This is why earth does not stop and plunge into the sun. The forces involved in the orbit of a planet are gravity and centrifugal force, but not friction

What force keeps the sun and the planets in place?

Gravity. It's the weakest of the 4 fundamental forces in our universe, but still the force responsible for holding it together. String theorists suggests explains that gravity leaks down from a stronger force in higher dimensions.

Where from the planets get energy to move around the sun ie how there is centrifugal force?

Planets have a particular speed and that means they have energy. The effect of the Sun's gravity keeps them in the orbit instead of moving in a straight line. Planets got their energy when they were formed, from a protoplanetary disc. The words "centrifugal force" can be a bit misleading. You only need to think about the planet's speed and the Sun's gravitational force.

How do you calculate gravity factor for centrifugal force?

The gravity force balancing the centrifugal force is mv2/r = mg. The centrifugal force is Del.cP = cmDel.V = mcv/r cos(VR), mv2/r = cmv/r cos(VR) is the Continuity Condition of stable orbit.