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They played football together in high school.

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They played football together in high school and were good friends

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Q: How had paul an Darry known each other?
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Why did Darry want to fight Paul in The Outsiders?

In the book, "The Outsiders", Paul and Darry hate each other because Darry is jealous of Paul. Darry's parents died and left the boys to fend for themselves with the oldest brother in charge. This meant that Darry was not able to have the things that Paul had.

Why do Darry and Paul hate each other?

they hate each other because darry was suppose to e with the socs but since his parents died he never got the opportunity to be like paul . They use to be friends until the misfortune and darry became a greaser due to poverty.

Why does Darry hate paul hoden so much?

Darry dislikes Paul Holden because he believes Paul is a bad influence on his brother Ponyboy. Darry worries that Paul will lead Ponyboy into trouble and distract him from his responsibilities at home and school. Additionally, Darry may be protective of Ponyboy and want to ensure he stays on the right path.

Who does paul punch in The Outsiders?

he punched darry

Who is Paul Holden in The Outsiders?

Paul Holden is an old high school friend that Darry does not like. He is from the west side and got a football scholarship when Darry couldn't because even with it, Darry wouldn't be able to afford college.

What made Darry hate paul Holden?

Darry disliked Paul Holden because he was a Soc and represented the privileged, wealthy group that often looked down on Greasers like Darry. Additionally, Paul had been involved in conflicts with the Curtis brothers in the past, igniting animosity between them.

Why does Darry decide to fight?

He didn't. Darry shouted, "Come on. I'll fight anyone!" And Paul stepped up. But I guess Darry didnt want to fight him because he use to be his buddy. Darry just didnt want to lose his manlyness and step down.

Which two people stepped forward to begin the fight?

Darry and Paul!! (:

Who is paul holden the one in the outsider?

He is one of the people that Darry went to highschool with.

Which two people in the outsiders stepped forward to begin the fight?

Darry and Paul!

Why is it significant that paul holden accept darry's challenge?

Darry and Paul played football together before the Curtis family was torn apart. Darryl could have been one of Paul's soc friends if he hadn't been forced to take on the role of father to Sodapop and Ponyboy.

Who did Darry first take on in the rumble why is this person significant?

He took on Paul, they were really close friends in high school but because Darry was in the Socs they stopped being friends. It is also worth mentioning that Darry doesn't want to be with the Greasers because he doesn't want to stay with them the whole rest of his life because he actually does want to do something in his life. It is mentioned before Darry fought Paul by Ponyboy.