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Q: How half titration could be done using only an indicator solution without PH?
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How could you determine whether phenolphthalein remains in the residue of a titration reaction?

The easiest way is to add back some of the solution you were titrating. If phenolphthalein remains, it will react with the solution and change back to purple. Incidentally, phenolphthalein will always remain in the solution of the titration reaction - it changes color depending upon the pH of the solution, but the indicator itself is not affected by the titration reaction.

What pH indicator could be used in a titration?

It depends on the equivalence point of the solutions you're titrating.

Why is indicator added to a pipette solution before titration?

I'm not sure what you really mean. There wouldn't be any point adding it afterwards! It's there to reveal the end point of your titration. You could add it when you thought you were near the end point, but it's easier to put it in before you start.

In which laboratory process could a student use 0.10 M NaOHaq to determine the concentration of an aqueous solution of HBr?


Could universal indicator be used to identify a liquid as being pure water?

A pH indicator is used only to measure the pH of the solution.

What factors could be tested using litmus paper?

The acidity or alkalinity of a solution, pH indicator.

Which indicator could be used to identify a neutral solution?

there is no such indicator.the only way is to add the acidic and basic indicators ,if it does not change the colour of the solution then it is neutral.

What is used to measure a hydrocholoric acid solution?

To measure the volume; glassware can be used including measuring cylinders, pipettes or burettes according to the desired accuracy. To measure the strength of the solution, a pH meter may be used. Alternatively, a titration could be done against a known alkaline solution.

An indicator with Ka equals 1.25 x 10-4 could be used to tell you whether a solution has a pH above or below?


How does Lugol's solution work as an indicator?

An indicator is a substance that changes colour in the presence of another substance. Let say inside the beaker are substances of both glucose and starch. The glucose and starch are of same colour. By injecting the lugol's solution into the beaker, the lugol's solution changes colour in the area of where starch is, while no colour changes in the presence of glucose. Thus, by using the Lugol's solution which only acts as indicator for starch and not glucose, we could tell part which area floats around with glucose and starch substances. Lugol's solution works as an indicator because it will stain starches due to iodine's interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide.

What are the applications of complexometric titration?

The Applications of Complexometric Titrations are as follows:1. Direct Titration: It is the simplest and the most convenient method in which thestandard solution of EDTA is slowly added to the metal ion solution till the endpoint is achieved. It is similar to simple acid-base titrations. For this method tobe useful the formation constant must be large and the indicator must provide avery distinct color change as mentioned earlier. Further we need standardizedsolution of EDTA and sometimes auxiliary complexing agents may be required.Some important elements which could be determined directly by thecomplexometric titration are Cu, Mn, Ca, Ba, Br, Zn, Cd, Hg, Al, Sn, Pb, Bi, Cr,Mo, Fe, Co, Ni, and Pd, etc. However, the presence of other ions may causeinterference and need to be suitably handled.2. Back Titration: In this method, an excess of a standard solution of EDTA isadded to the metal solution being determined so as to complex all the metal ionspresent in the solution. The excess of EDTA left after the complex formationwith the metal is back titrated with a standard solution of a second metal ion.This method becomes necessary if the analyte precipitates in the absence ofEDTA or reacts too slowly with EDTA, or it blocks the indicator. For example,determination of Mn is done by this method because a direct titration is notpossible due to precipitation of Mn (OH)2. The excess EDTA remaining aftercomplexation, is back titrated with a standard Zn solution using Eriochromeblack T as indicator. However, one has to ensure the standard metal ion shouldnot displace the analyte ion from their EDTA complex.3. Replacement Titration: When direct or back titrations do not give sharp endpoints or when there is no suitable indicator for the analyte the metal may bedetermined by this method. The metal to be analyzed is added to a metal-EDTAcomplex. The analyte ion (with higher Kf′) displaces EDTA from the metal andthe metal is subsequently titrated with standard EDTA. For example, in thedetermination of Mn an excess of Mg EDTA chelate is added to Mn solution.The Mn ions quantitatively displace Mg from Mg-EDTA solution because Mnforms a more stable complex with EDTA.Mn+ + MgY2 - (MY)(n - 4)+ + Mg2+The freed Mg metal is then directly titrated with a standard solution of EDTAusing Eriochrome black T indicator. Ca, Pb and Hg may also be determined bythis method.4. Indirect Titration: Certain anions that form precipitate with metal cations anddo not react with EDTA can be analyzed indirectly. The anion is firstprecipitated with a metal cation and the precipitate is washed and boiled with anexcess of disodium EDTA solution to form the metal complex.Mn+ + H2Y2 - (MY)(n - 4)+ + 2H+The protons from disodium EDTA are displaced by a heavy metal and titratedwith sodium alkali. Therefore, this method is also called alkalimetric titration.For example, barbiturates can be determined by this method.

What is used to identify acids and bases?

an acid is a material or substance that is sour and can change blue litmus paper red a base is a material or substance that is bitter (it sometimes ) and can change red litmus paper blue. Litmus paper can tell an acid from a base Lemon Juice is an acid coffee is a base.