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Southern Canada is the most populated because it is warmer and more developed. Northern Canada is colder and less developed and there is not much industry.

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Q: How has the climate affected the people of QUEBEC?
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What is the climate in Quebec?

Quebec has a multi-faceted geography and diverse landscapes, vegetation and climate. It has four season, and it similar to the climate of the northern United States.

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the dry climate affected people because its water is a key resource

What is the climate like in Quebec?

Quebec has a multi-faceted geography and diverse landscapes, vegetation and climate. It has four season, and it similar to the climate of the northern United States.

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They all got dysentery.

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the climate affected the people of Haida because when the climate was wet it affected their drinking water.climate would determine whether or not they could find shelter from rain. It would affect how they ate dressed and had shelter.. casey43535

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climate is affected by elevation because the change in climate due to altitude

Name the industry most affected by climate?

Farming is affected by climate.>

Which colonies were not affected by the Quebec Act?

a lot

How are seasons weather and climate connected to each other?

Climate is affected by the seasons and the weather is affected by the climate. Seasons=Climate=Weather.

Why will animals and plants be affected by global climate change?

They will be affected because people ruined their lives and because of us they will probably die.