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Green plants produce oxygen. Free oxygen can, under specific circumstances, combine to form ozone. Sufficient concentrations of ozone in the upper atmosphere can block a portion of the Sun's UV radiation.

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Q: How has the evolution of green plants led to reduction of solar radiation?
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What plant protects you from computer radiation?

green plants

How do do scientists study evolution of plants?

Plants and green algae have the same types of chlorophyll and carotenoids in their cells so scientists think plants and green algae have a common ancestor.

Why is it that generally the leaves of plants is color green?

Because plants use chlorophyll to photosynthesize energy from solar radiation and chlorophyll is a bad absorber of light's green wavelengths.

Which gas is manufactured by green plants into starch?

Carbon dioxide. This is an example of [bio-] chemical reduction. Have you heard of red-ox reactions - adding oxygen is oxidation, and removing oxygen is termed reduction.

Which of these is the most recently evolved and diverse group of plants?

The last major evolution of plants was the angiosperms(flowering plants).

What supports the theory that plants evolved from multicellular green algae?

The theory of plants evolution that started from multicellular green algae is supported with evidence. First, the color and shape of small plants is similar with the green algae. Also, reproductive cycle , cell walls, the photosynthetic pigments are the same.

How do plants get there green color from what chemical?

Plant leaves contain chlorophyll in its chloroplasts in mesophyll cells which make plant leaves green. Chlorophyll helps in photosynthesis by absorbing solar radiation for photolysis of water molecules.

Are plants really green?

plants are not green,its light green

What is a pigment that traps uv radiation?

This pigment, residing in the chloroplasts, is called chlorophyll.

Are plants green cause plants contain chlorophyll?

No not all plants are green

Wikianswers why is a green house hot?

it heats up because incoming solar radiation from the sun and it warms the soil which makes humidity and helps the plants stay hydrated

What do green plants have that other plants do not?

green plants have chlorophyll and that's what makes them different