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Certainly women's roles have changed in the past one hundred years. Women are no longer just housewives. Women have gone from being housekeepers, cooks, laundresses, child rearers, and puppets to their husband or fathers to being Executives of Fortune 500 businesses and fifty percent of the workforce. Now women are mothers who are either married, divorced or never married. It was unacceptable for women to have children out of wedlock and to be divorced. Women today can be the breadwinners and have the father stay at home to manage the household and children. Women today can work in jobs that was unheard of in 1910. They can work in jobs only held by men before. They can serve in the Military in hundreds of jobs never held by women before. They contribute greatly to society now and they can even vote.

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Q: How has the role of women changed in the past one hundred years?
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