

How have cars changed over the last centruary?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Thought I might help here. *Century.

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Q: How have cars changed over the last centruary?
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The Hybrid cars has changed over time thanks to the ever changing technology.

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i would say that ships planes and cars have been manufactured better

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hmm, maybe better roads and engine technology.

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the cars are so much better now every things more high tech.

How has the technology changed over the last 20 years?

The ecu has changed. Torque vectoring control. All wheel drive. All sorts of safety things like some cars can see if you are sleeping , and they now have airbags in the seatbelts of some cars.

How have cars changed over time?

The basic principles haven't changed but the main changes have occured in ignition and fuel systems. Multivalve,multiple camshaft engines,even diesels have been around for the last 100years

Why have cars changed over time?

because cars in the old time were bad on road and did not have seat belts

How has cars changed over time?

Cars have changed in many ways. Better suspension gives smoother rides. The fuel economy has increased while putting out cleaner emissions. And cars break down less that older models. These are just a few ways that cars have changed.

How have motor cars changed over the years?

Some ways cars have changed over time: cars have become more stylish and more fuel efficient. Engines generally are smaller. Seat belts and air bags have been added for safety. Engines have been improved over time.

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Children's bedding has not changed in the last decade in terms of production.

How has the driving age limit changed in GB in the last hundred years?

There have been changes to the speed limits in Britain for several reasons. The amount of cars on the road (which has increased dramatically), the age limit for driving which has changed because cars are cheaper and younger people can afford them and the types of cars that are on the road e.g 4X4, Vans, lorries, Super cars and standard cars. Cars have been developed more and more over the last hundred years which means they can go faster and faster due to better fuel consumption and fuel usage

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loads have changed, i.e cars, planes, electricity, xbox is the main thing really.