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In the case of whales, the animal was so humongous it could not support itself well on land, so a few lucky species-men went in the water and bred, gradually evolving to suit to the water.

Others, I am unaware of.

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Q: How have land mammals evolved into water mammals?
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Why is there a much greater diversity of flying birds than there is of flying mammals?

Think of it as the same thing as land mammals versus water mammals. Marine mammals first evolved to life on land and then adapted to return to the water, but not all mammals did that. Similar thing with birds. All birds evolved from common flying ancestors, whereas flying mammals evolved from land mammals at a much later point in evolutionary history. Hope that helps.

When did mammals become land animals?

Mammals originated as land animals. Reptiles were the first vetebrates to have hard-shelled eggs and spend most of their time on land. Reptiles evolved into modern reptiles, mammals, and birds. Some mammals, since then, have moved partially or completely back into water.

How are land mammals different from Sean mammals?

land mammals live on land, sea mammals live in the water.

Do mammals live on land or water or both?

Mammals evolved on land, and most still live on land. However, there are still a number that live exclusively in the water (such as whales, dolphins, manatees, etc) and many more that spend much of their time in water (such as beavers, seals, platypus, etc). One thing to note about aquatic mammals is they cannot get oxygen from water like fish, so they have to surface to breathe air frequently.

How did reptiles pave the way for more land animals?

With skin and egg shells able to retain water, reptiles could remain out of water indefinitely, unlike their amphibian ancestors. Mammals and dinosaurs (from which birds evolved) later evolved from reptiles.

What evidence supports the hypothesis that whales evolved from land-dwlling mammals?

Theory of evolution

How have blue whales evolved?

All cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) evolved from land mammals millions of years ago. These land mammals became accustomed to living in the water, so they changed to eventually become cetaceans such as the blue whale.

Why man is an animal belongings to the group of mammals?

Scientists believe all life began in the water. Micro-organisms, fish and even mammals, e.g. dolphins, whales, seals, etc. Then mammals moved onto the land and began evolving to their surroundings, then man evolved from an ape like creature.

What is the definition of mammals?

A land mammal is one that primarily lives on land, as opposed to in water, . They are also known are Terrestrial mammals. Typically a land mammal is fully adapted for life on land . Land mammals breed on land .Land mammals is not taxonomic category , it is ecological term .Bats which fly in air basically land mammals,as they go to air for a short time .

Do pandas live on water?

Pandas are land mammals.

Why do fish live in water instead of land?

Fish have evolved to breathe in the water.

Can mammals live in air land and water?

no.Animals live in air land and water are called amphibians.