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Usually some of the energy is converted to heat, meaning it's wasted (for example in a lightbulb, the energy converted to heat is NOT converted to light).

The details on HOW this happens really depend on the specific energy transformation. As an example, when there is an electric current, some of the moving electrons (or other charge carriers) bump into atoms; this takes away from the electron's kinetic energy (which is basically the electrical energy), and makes the atom move faster (heating the material up).

In other energy transformations, the "how" may be quite different.

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Q: How heat produced during energy transformation?
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Usually, heat is a side product.

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heat. when there is transformation of energy from one form to another, there is a loss of heat energy. even when a form of energy is changed to heat energy, not all of the energy is transformed to heat, energy transformation is never 100%

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This heat is generally losses or it could be used mainly for:district heatingwater desalinationto warm water pools for breeding fish and/or any aquatic species.

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How does a substance gain heat?

A substance gains heat, or otherwise known as thermal energy, in many different ways. These can be from pressure, friction, the transformation of chemical energy to thermal energy, the transformation of electromagnetic energy to thermal energy, potential energy to the energy of motion (kinetic energy) or a substance can become exothermic during, and after a chemical change if the amount of energy produced from the broken bonds is greater than the amount of energy required for rearranged bonds to be made.