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350 degrees

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Q: How hot to put oven to cook an egg?
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Put them in a oven about 350 and pull out when hot/bubbly.

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Boiled egg Steps: You need 1 egg How can you cook the boiled egg: You can go to the hot spring and drop your egg or you can cook it if you have a kitchen you can use a pot and add some salt and put your egg in.

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This is an Oven Recipe All you have to do is put Apple, Egg, Butter, and Flour in the oven. Then you will have Apple Pie.

What happens if you put raw egg in the oven for an hour?

Nothing good or anything spectacularly bad. The egg would probably be inedible unless you are very hungry and the oven is not very hot.

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To warm a chickens egg you have to put it in the oven.

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Put it in the oven for a bit

Why do you do not get a burn when you put your hand inside an oven to take a tray?

you will not get burn because it is open. hot metal will attract cold air and throw it away when its hot. but if its close your hands well be cook.

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you put them on a tray then put them in oven on 350 for 5 minutes

How do you fry an egg on the sidewalk?

Put butter in the desired spot you want to cook on the sidewalk. After the butter is melted you have a safe spot to put your egg. Cook as usual there.

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put it in a microwave or an oven and wait to see what happens.

Do you have to cook pizza dough before you put your topping on and cook it?

No, put the raw pizza dough in the oven witth your sauce and topping on it and cook for the certain amount of time.