

How humans use coal?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: How humans use coal?
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How humans use the resource coal?

they use it for fier and heat

What fossil fuel do humans use most?

the most fossil fuel that humans use is the solid fossil fuel. and it is coal

What are the natural resources that humans use?

Humans use many natural resources, including the sun, water, oil, coal, natural gas, and wind.

How do humans use thermal energy?

they burn fossil fuels , coal, natural resources.etc!

How is coal used by humans?

Coal is used for electricity and industrial uses

When was coal discovered?

Coal has been used by humans for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations. The exact date of when coal was first discovered is not known, but the earliest recorded use of coal as a fuel source was in China around 4,000 years ago.

What does humans use Coal to?

Humans use coal for two primary purposes: as a fuel source (primarily to power steam generators in electricity production, though it is common as a cooking stove fuel in parts of the developing world), and as a reduction agent in the iron ore smelting/forging process.

In what form do humans use energy that was initially captured from the sun by plants?

Oil, gas, coal, wood and food

How is coal used by us humans?

Coal is used for electricity and industrial uses

Is coal and oil being formed faster than humans are using it?

Really and truly, coal and oil aren't being created fast enough for human use. Coal is most likely not to be used that often; since not everyone is burning coal, we have plenty of it. Oil is a different story. Since we use oil, sometimes in our daily lives, it has to be produced more often the coal, because me use it so much!

What natural resources are used by humans from grassland areas?

we used to or still do use coal for fires and some oils for our cars

Why should people use more or less of coal?

People should use less of coal because coal mines have dangerous gases sulfur oxide and methane that causes mines to explode and the gases that can also poison humans. Plus burning coal can cause a disease that causes animals to swell up to 5 times their normal size.