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Q: How important is it for a country to have an efficient and modern railroad network?
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What effect did standard gauge railroad have on railroad lines?

It allowed railroads to form a cross-country network.

Where does Russia's railroad network radiate out from?

In the country of Russia, the railroad network radiates out from the city of Moscow . Because Moscow is centrally located, this helps the city greatly.

What effect did the standard gauge have on railroad lines?

It allowed railroads to form a cross-country network.

What is the result of British establishing a railroad network in India?

India became increasingly valuable to the British after they establish a railroad network there. India became increasingly valuable to the British after they establish a railroad network there.

Which country's railroad system has the greatest total number of miles?

The United State's Railroad system has the largest network with over 200,000 miles of track, although not all operated at this time.

Why is the underground railroad studied today?

The underground railroad is studied because it's an important part of our history. Today's students understand the extraordinary bravery of slaves like Harriet Tubman and of whites who helped them run the Railroad at huge risk to themselves. It is also important to understand that live for those slaves was so terrible that they risked everything to escape on the railroad. Not to mention that it's really cool! A network of homes across the country, all to transport slaves to their freedom.

What advance made a network of railroad lines possible?

The invention of the standard gauge made a network of railroad lines possible.

Where does Russia's railroad network radiate out from thereby giving the city a high degree of centrality?

Russia's railroad network radiates out from the city of Moscow. Because of this railroad network, the city is given a very large degree of centrality.

What are some titles for a report on the underground railroad?

The Secret of the Underground Railroad, The Secret Railroad, Railroad Power, The Secret Network for Slaves, Slavery Secret.

Which section north or south had more extensive railroad network?

The North and a more extensive railroad network than did the South during the US Civil War. Northern rail tracks were tat least double the miles of rail lines available to the South. This gave the North a vast advantage in transporting troops and supplies. Although the South had less railroad track, some historians believe that the South utilized what they had in a more efficient way.

How large was the US railway network in the 1880's?

By the 1880's, the US railroad network contained nearly one third of the world's railroad mileage.

What is the network that helped slaves freed?

the Underground Railroad