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The importance smelling to the ability to taste is Your Mom.

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Q: How important is smell to the ability to taste?
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How would you characterize the relationship between odor and taste?

Your ability to smell enhances your ability to taste.

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Does the ability to smell affect taste?

Yes. 75% of taste is contributed by smell. That's why when you're sick, you can't taste much.

How does your sense of tast affect your sense of smell?

Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.

Why is smell important?

Smelling is important for a variety of reasons. Smelling nice things such as flowers and tasty food can make you happy. Smelling can also save your life if you notice a gas leak in your house by smelling it. Scent is important for many animals as a means of claiming territory, finding food, and finding females in heat with which to mate.

What effect-does sight and smell have on taste?

Smell and taste are linked through the vomeronasal organ. No sense of smell would mean no taste because 'taste' is smell plus the ability to detect sweet, sour and salty on various parts of the tongue. Sight is more of a trigger for appetite and does not directly affect the ability to taste although some say that 'blind tasting' trains the senses to appreciate flavours. but smell isn't everything! there are millions of taste buds on your tongue that allow you to sence the texture and TASTE of the food. For more information go to the science buddies website (see related link).

Why do you have a hard time tasting things when you have a cold?

Taste is related to smell. When your nose is congested, you can't taste things aswell. For example plug your nose when your feeling better, and try to taste something. You can't taste it aswell.

How do you use smell in your everyday life?

Mostly, smell is used to help in the ability to taste food. (If you plug your nose, you can`t taste food as well). Also, it can alert you of danger. ( If there is a house fire when yo are sleeping, you smell the smoke and it will alert you).

Why is sense of smell more important than the taste buds in detecting flavor?

You can only taste 4 things (sugar, salt, acid, & base) everything else that you think you taste is actually a smell.

Can sense of taste and smell be restored?

It depends how you lost your sense of taste and smell. Some people are born with poor taste and smell. Allergies, cold or a virus can be a problem, but once it's cleared up then you're smell and taste should return. Head injuries that involve that part of brain are permanent. Some medications can cause this. People going through Chemo or radiation can have poor taste and smell and SOME elderly will experience a loss of taste and smell (thus poor eating habits can occur or no desire to eat.)

Why have I not been able to smell or taste anything for at least 7days?

Without assessing you, it is hard to say. However, if you have had any sinus congestion, a runny nose, or some other similar upper airway symptom, your ability to smell/taste may be diminished. (Generally the loss of taste follows a loss of smell, as smell contributes significantly to taste.) There are other causes, such as problems with the cranial nerves. It this loss of smell and taste persists, you should be evaluated by a health care professional.

What is your most important sense from hear taste sight touch and smell?
