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Initially he hated the time as in his childhood he was abandond by his family at Chrsitmas and was the only pupil to reside in the Boarding School when all others were with familiy - Follwoing his oath he changes his attitude to keep Christmas and the spirit throughout the year and in doing so allow others to benefit from that attitude

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Q: How important its the Christmas season to scrooge?
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What are the importance of Christmas season to Scrooge?

Originally he hated it. Left as a child across Christmas in his boarding school Scrooge was the only boy who was not with a loving family . He states he has only his books for company

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Ebenezer Scrooge hates Christmas in the play "A Christmas Carol." He starts off as a bitter and miserly character who despises the holiday season, but through the influence of the spirits, he learns the true meaning of Christmas.

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He plays Scrooge, young scrooge, middle age scrooge, older scrooge, christmas past ghost, christmas present ghost, and christmas future ghost.

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What does Cratchit ask Scrooge at the end of the scene?

If he could have Christmas day off to spend with his family and celebrate the season.

Why is the Ghost of Christmas Present a stranger to Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Present is a stranger to Scrooge because he represents the present moment, which Scrooge has been disconnected from due to his focus on the past and future. The ghost's role is to show Scrooge what he is missing by ignoring the joy and goodwill around him in the present.

Who stops by to invite the scrooge to a meal?

The Ghost of Christmas Present stops by to invite Scrooge to a meal at the home of Bob Cratchit, to show him the joy and love of the holiday season.

What did the past spirit show Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge what and how his past has effected him and tries to tell him that it is the past and now he must look to the future, he cannot change the past The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge what is happening around him at Christmas and that it doesn't matter how rich or poor everyone can keep the season in their hearts but he leave Scrooge with two warnings . Firstly Tiny Tim will not see another of his Christmas brothers and second that ignorance and want are all around Scrooge

What places did the ghost of Christmas present take scrooge and why?

Ghost of Christmas Present The streets of London on Christmas Morning Bob Cratchits home The mines of Wales A Light house Freds Home Many homes then visited to witness the festive season Here he shows Scrooge that no matter who you are and where you are you can keep Christmas