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He fights/kills Mr. Ewell when he, Mr. Ewell, attacks Scout and Jem in the woods as they walk home at night from the Thanksgiving play at school.

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Boo Radley is protective in the sense that he watches over the children, Jem and Scout, from a distance. He intervenes when they are in danger, such as when he saves them from Bob Ewell's attack. Boo's actions reveal his caring nature and desire to protect those he cares about.

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Who is the brother of the locked up radley to kill a mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the brother of Boo (Arthur) Radley is Nathan Radley. Nathan is portrayed as a stern and reclusive character who is protective of Boo.

What was Boo Radley's full name?

Arthur Radley. his brother was mr. Nathan radley.

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Boo Radley covers Scout with a blanket near the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird" after she witnesses an attack on her and Jem by Bob Ewell. Boo intervenes, saving them from further harm, and then carries the injured Jem back to their house before covering Scout with a blanket. It is a significant moment that shows Boo's protective and caring nature, revealing his true character to Scout and the readers.

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Yes, there is a connection. The object in the Radley tree, which is a pair of carved soap figures resembling Jem and Scout, is symbolic of Boo Radley reaching out to the children. Jem finding his torn trousers after leaving them caught on the Radley fence reflects Boo's protective nature towards them. Both instances highlight Boo's caring presence in their lives.

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Jem usually mends his own pants when they need fixing.

Who saves the children in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Who saved Jim and Scout from bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley, who had been watching over the children, came to their rescue and ultimately saved them from Bob Ewell.

Who are the Radley's?

Nathan Radley (the oldest) and Arthur "Boo" Radley (the youngest)

Why Boo Radley concidered to be a ghost?

Boo Radley was considered to be a ghost because he was never seen

Who caught the children trying to get a note to boo?

Mr. Radley caught the children trying to get a note to Boo Radley.

Who moved into the radley place when boo's dad died?

Nathan Radley, Boo's brother, moved into the Radley place after their father passed away. Nathan was known for being reclusive and keeping to himself, similar to Boo Radley.

Why did the children leave a note in the tree for Boo Radley?

The children left a note for Boo Radley to thank him for saving them from Bob Ewell's attack and to show their appreciation for his kindness towards them. They wanted to reach out to him and show that they valued his protective presence in their lives.