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THE SCRIPTURES SAY:that Jesus was the "Last Adam."-(1 Corinthians 15:45) Why is Jesus called that?

Because he paid the ransom for the condition of sin and death that Adam sold us into by his rebellion against God.-(Mark 10:45;Romans 5:12)

Why does The Bible use the word ransom when speaking about this? Because God has a law that most of us have heard before. 'Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, and like for like.'-(Deuteronomy 19:21)

When Adam sinned, he lost his perfect human life. He had no children yet, so when he did have children, he could only pass on this condition of imperfection. An imperfect man cannot have an perfect child. Being imperfect, Adam's offspring now had no right to eternal life. What would be needed was an equal and offsetting sacrifice that would pay back to God what Adam lost in order to balance the scales of justice according to God's own perfect law of an equal for equal.

Jesus was the equal to Adam, he also being a perfect man as Adam was.-(1 Peter 2:22) But, unlike Adam, Jesus proved faithful to God, even under extreme test, even to death. He being perfect and sinless could have continued to live without ever dying, but he willingly suffered a sacrificial death, then eventually returned to his father in heaven, and presented the value of his life as a perpetual sacrifice.-(Hebrews 10:12)

Also, when Jesus died faithful, he proved that as a perfect man, Adam could have likewise been faithful as well.

Jesus thus fullfilled his role as the "last Adam, and redeemed mankind from the condition caused by Adam. The benefits of that sacrifice can now be applied to all obedient mankind.-(John 3:16)


1 Corinthians 15:22

Adam was the first man (Genesis chapter 2). Adam sinned (Genesis chapter 3). Sin is the cause of death. Romans 5:12-14 All who are born into this world, which began with Adam, are born into sin. Christ came into this earth to give us life...... Romans 5:12-20 Those who believe in Christ are born again; born of the spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45-58 We say "born again" because we are now alive, just like when a child is born, they begin to their life (1 Peter 2:2). John 3:1-21 .We will not perish (1 Peter 1:23-25). Staying in hell is no life at all. A lifetime of suffering; how can one call that life? Romans 5:6-10 Christ is the Savior because He saved us from hell and gave us hope; not only for the life to come, but for peace, joy, and fulfillment for this life. John 14:16 The claims that Jesus made sounded bizarre, but no more bizarre than everything else about this world. Jesus proved that He was real and made life possible when He rose on the 3rd day, just as He said He would. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

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Q: How is Jesus Christ the new Adam the Savior?
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