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It is called replication. It is very important in heridety

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2d ago

During cell division, a cell duplicates its genetic material, divides it equally between two daughter cells, and then physically splits into two separate cells. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information, resulting in two nearly identical cells.

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14y ago

The cell's DNA is replicated during interphase. Then, during mitosis, a copy of DNA is distributed to each of the two new daughter cells.

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12y ago

Mitosis. Kha'Lil

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13y ago

sister cells

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13y ago

Cell division by meiosis.

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Q: How is a cell able to produce two almost identical daughter cells?
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How is a cell able to produce two almost identical daughter cell?

Just like a copier cells can copy the cell to make almost two identical daughter cells.

What is produce by the end of the cell cycle?

Two identical daughter cells.

The processes of mitosis and cytokinesis produce two identical?

daughter cells

How many daughter cells does meiosis have?

Meiosis will produce 4 cells that are not identical to the parent cell but are identical to each other.

Is it true that A cell divides to produce daughter cells that are genetically different?

It is true ONLY for meiosis II. Mitosis and Meiosis I produce identical daughter cells.

How many cells do you produce at the end of mitosis?

Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells.

How many cells are produce in meiosis?

Four non-identical daughter cells are produced in meiosis.

What is the ultimate goal of mitosis?

The ultimate goal of mitosis is to produce genetically identical daughter cells for growth, development, and tissue repair in multicellular organisms. It ensures that each daughter cell receives a full set of chromosomes and is essential for maintaining the proper number of chromosomes in cells.

What do asexual and sexual reproduction both produce?

two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell

What is the process in which cells divide forming new daughter cells identical to the parents cell?

Mitosis. Also asexual reproducing methods produce cells identical to parent cells. Ex-Fissions,budding

How many cells are produce after all the stages of mitosis?

Mitosis results in the production of two identical daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the original cell.

What process makes two cells to an oringinal cell?

Mitosis and cytokinesis produce two daughter cells that are identical to the original cell.