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Q: How is a fetal circulatory route different from the systemic or portal circulatory route?
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Why is it important for the fetal heart to have both the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale but not good for the adult heart to have these?

The ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale are important for systemic circulation. This is the type of circulation maintained by fetal pigs but the adult heart requires pulmonary and systemic circulation.

Why is it important for the fetal heart to have both the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale but not good for the adult heart to have these feature?

The ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale are important for systemic circulation. This is the type of circulation maintained by fetal pigs but the adult heart requires pulmonary and systemic circulation.

What type of circulatory system does a cat fetus have open or closed?

Even during gestation, fetal kittens have a closed circulatory system.

What is the fetal circulatory structure that carries blood with the lowest oxygen saturation?

Ductus arteriosus

How is a fetal dog different from an adult?


What is the function of the umbilical artery?

The umbilical cord - supplies blood and nutrition to the developing foetus. It's linked into the mother's circulatory system.

How does the fetal pig heart differ from the adult pig heart?

All fetal mammals do not use their lungs. They have a pulmonary by-pass that permits the fetus to rely on umbilical blood from the mother for oxygen. On being born the by-pass is aborted and the baby is required to use its lungs to breath.

What is the fetal circulation function of the fetus chart?

The fetal circulation is the circulatory system of a human fetus, often encompassing the entire fetoplacental circulation that also includes the umbilical cord and the blood vessels within the placenta that carry fetal blood.The fetal circulation works differently from that of born humans, mainly because the lungs are not in use: the fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord.

Does a fetal pig have an open or closed circulatory system?

No, pigs have a closed circulatory system. Open circulatory systems are used by invertebrates like grasshoppers and other lower-order animals; these systems involve having a beating heart but not a complete 'plumbing' system of arteries and veins - the blood just bathes the internal organs then eventually trickles back into the heart to be pumped around again.

How is a fetal pigs internal anatomy different from a humans?

The internal anatomy of fetal pigs is not very different from humans. It is slightly underdeveloped but the internal systems are conserved across all mammals.

Are fetal pigs and humans composed of cardiac muscle tissue?

No. All contain cardiac tissue after the circulatory system has developed, but no more proportionally than any other human or pig.

Does maternal and fetal blood mix together?

The maternal and fetal circulatory systems are separated by the placental barrier; some molecules (for example nutrients, oxygen, and certain proteins) are able to pass through, but "blood" doesn't. Injuries could result in the blood mixing, but this is a bad thing and is not supposed to happen to any significant degree.