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Q: How is a male or female embryo different?
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Is an embryo male or female?

Embryos can be male or female.

How could a hormonal imbalance result in a person who is genetically male but physically female?

If cells within a male embryo do not secrete testosterone at the proper time during development, the embryo will develop into a female despite being genetically male.

At what point does the embryo or fetus develop male and female organs?

14 weeks

Does the male and female reproductive system develop from the same tissues in the embryo?


A Female ovum and a Male sperm together make?

A Female ovum and a Male sperm fuse to create a zygote cell. It is the earliest developmental stage of the embryo.

What is different about a male and female kidney?

Different bwtween male and female kidney

Is the breathing rate of male different from that of female?

because male is different from female

How many sex chromosomes does a male embryo have?

An embryo, male or female, usually has two sex chromosomes, one from mom, one from dad. In a male's case, they would be XY. Rarely, nondisjunction occurs, and a child winds up XXX, XXY, XYY, or X. XXX and X become female, and XXY and XYY become male. So, it is theoretically possible for a male embryo to have three sex chromosomes.

Do female and male arthrpods look different?

do female and male arthropods look different

What determines whether an embryo will become male or female?

In humans, gender is determined by the x and y chromosomes, with xx being a genetic female and xy being a genetic male

Type of reproductuon in which an embryo is produced from an unfertilized egg?

It's called asexual reproduction, when there is no male contribution, or there is no male-female differentiation. Parthenogenisis

Which pair of gametes can unite to produce a zygote that will develop into a normal human male embryo?

The male gamete - spermatozoon and the female gamete - ovum.