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Q: At what point does the embryo or fetus develop male and female organs?
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Why is the growth of the embryo different from the growth of the fetus?

Once the zygote becomes an embryo it starts developing all of its organs, nervous system etc. then after 8 weeks of development everything is there so it becomes a fetus, and the fetus just grows bigger.

What is a embryo from the time its organs are formed until birth?

a fetus

An embryo from the time its organs are form until birth?


How long does an embryo take to develop into a fetus?

62 days

What is the last organs to develop in the fetus?


How does zygote develop to become an embryo then a fetus?

I dont freaking know

What causes the female fetus to develo differently from the male fetus?

A female fetus with an a y chromosome is what makes it develop differently from a male fetus.

What cause the female fetus to develop differently from the male fetus?

The female fetus has a Y chromosome while the fetus only has two x chromosome.

What is the period of time a zygote embryo or fetus is carried in the female tract?


How does the fetus develop?

FeRtIlIzAtIoN--->zYgOtE-->eMbRyO-->dIfFeReNtIaTiOn.:BaBy GrL:.143It gets bigger...

How does a zygote develop into a full-term fetus?

After the egg has been fertilized the egg transfoms into a zygote the embryo and then a fetus which after becomes a baby!

How is embryo differnet from a fetus?

Fetus is name given to human embryo after it is recognizable as human embryo .