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Q: How is a person mentally abused?
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Related questions

What is mentally and physically abused mean?

It means hurt in your mind and your body.

How can a boy be abused by his girlfriend?

The same way a girl can be abused by her boyfriend: Physically; Mentally; Emotionally.

Do girls actual love getting mentally abused?

who would Of course they don't. Anyone that likes being abused, mentally or otherwise, would be considered somewhat abnormal.

Did Michael Jackson get picked on by his father?

Yes, he was abused physically and mentally.

What is the definition of domestic valiance?

I believe the word you're looking for is Domestic Violence. If not, I cant help you, but the definition of Domestic Violence is when a person is abused, mentally, physically, and emotionally, by their spouse/significant other. Most cases, the abused is the woman, however there are cases when the man is abused as opposed to the usual.

What can you do if you are being mentally abused by your mother-in-law and you are living with her until you can afford to move out?


How to get guardianship of a mentally abused non relative in California?

Take it to court, and fight for the guardianship.

What do you call a person that is mentally healthy?

A mentally healthy person is safe

Can a non mentally challenged person divorce a mentally challenged mate?

Yes, a person who is not mentally challenged can divorce a person who is mentally challenged would have to be proven they are mentally challenged), but they would have to let the courts decide in the provisions of the divorce what you would pay to help sustain the lifestyle of the mentally challenged person.

Can a pregnant 17 year old move in with the father if she is mentally abused at home?

No, she cannot, without a court order specifically stating that she can. "Mentally abused" is really easy to claim, and really hard to prove. So don't expect to be able to get such a court order.

What should you do if you are being mentally abused by the parent you trusted most?

If your a kid you should tell a concelear at school .

What was Shaquille's early childhood like?

shaquillle oneals childhood was bad his dad abused him mentally and phyically