

How is a year on Saturn 29 earth years?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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8y ago

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That is how many Earth years it takes for Saturn to go around the Sun once.

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Q: How is a year on Saturn 29 earth years?
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How many Saturn years are equal to 1 earth year?

1 Saturn year is equal to 29 earth years.

Is a year on Earth shorter than a year on Saturn?

Yes it is. A year on Saturn is about 29 of our years.

What is the length of one year for Saturn?

29 Earth years.

What planet has 29 day year?

No planet has. (Planet Saturn has a year lasting about 29 Earth years.)

How many earth Years is one Saturn Year?

The length of one sidereal Earth year is 3.39% the length of one sidereal Saturn year. In other words, the length of one sidereal Saturn year is 29.5 times the length of one sidereal Earth year. (A sidereal year is the time between alignments of the sun, the planet, and a distant fixed star.)

Does Saturn have a shorter or longer year than Earth?

It takes Saturn 10,747 Earth days to make one full orbit around the sun, which means that one year on Saturn is equal to over 29 Earth years.

How long is a year on other planets?

A year on Mars is 688 days. A year on Pluto is 247 Earth years and a year on Jupiter is 11 Earth years. A year on Saturn is 29 Earth years and a year on Mercury is 87 Earth days.

What planet has an earth year that is 29.4?

There are no planets with a 29-day year. The shortest year is for Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, taking 88 Earth days for one revolution.The planet with a year about equal to 29 Earth years is Saturn, which takes about 29.456 Earth years to travel once around the Sun.

How long does it take for Saturn to orbit the sun once?

29 Earth years and 167 Earth days.The planet Saturn takes about 29 1/2 Earth years (29.46 years) to revolve around the Sun in its orbit.It takes Saturn 29.45 years to orbit the Sun, which works out to 10,759 days. Saturn is the most distant planet in the solar system that is able to be seen with the naked eye.

How long does it take Saturn to go one rotation?

Saturn goes around the sun once every Saturn Year, and that is only once every 29.46 Earth Years.

How long does it take for saturn the revolve around the sun?

It takes Saturn equivelent to 29 years to complete a full turn around the sun and it takes Saturn 10.5 hours to complete a turn on its axis. (Therefore a year on Saturn is equivelent to 29 years on Earth and a day on Saturn is 10.5 hours)

How long does it take Saturn to have a revolution?

29 earth years