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yes, in the salivary gland. it;s in your spit.

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Q: How is amylase produced in the body?
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Where is the enzyme amylase created?

Amylase is produced by the exocrine pancreas .

What is an example of an enzyme in your body?

An example of an enzyme in the body is amylase I and II. They are produced by chewing and by the pancreas respectively. They both aid in the digestive process in the body.

What is the enzyme produced in mouth?

Salivary amylase is produced in the mouth so that it can digest carbohydrate

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Where is Amylases secreted?

Amylase is secreted in the stomach and Small Intestine.

Where is amylase prodused?

Amylase is produced and secreted by two places.Salivary glands and Pancreas are the places.

Where is amylase found in plants?

Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. In humans it is produced in the pancreas.

What enzyme is produced by salviary glands?

the amylase

Amylase in the human body?

There are several, the most common one is salivary amylase and is in your mouth. It helps you digest carbohydrates. Another is pancreatic amylase which also digests carbohydrates. They both do the same job because it is crutial for the body to absorb all carbohydrates that enter the digestive system. Carbs are broken down into glucose and stored as glycogen to be slowly released into bloodstream for use in mitochondria to produce ATP (energy).

Amylase levels are increased in what disease process?

Amylase is an enzyme produced by the salivary gland and the pancreas. Increased levels of amylase occur with pancreatitus, and inflammation of the pancreas.

Where is pancreatic amylase made?

It depends on the amylase. Salivary amylase is produced in the salivary glands, while pancreatic amylase is produced in the pancreas, etc.