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It isn't. That would give you nothing useful at all, and neither chemical is in fact used anywhere in a specific process for airbag creation or use.

The bag itself is a very thin nylon polymer sheet, cut and attached into the shape of the inflated bag. The bag, when set off, is inflated by the rapid decomposition of a compound containing nitrogen (historically the toxic sodium azide, but more recently a cheaper and safer chemical), which quickly fills the bag and being inert, results in no risk to any person or object.

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Q: How is an air bag made out of HCl and baking soda?
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Baking soda Baking soda neutralizes the smell of bleach. Bleach is a nasty chemical. Simply spray with Freshana AIRIA Air Purifier.

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Baking soda is used when there is an acidic ingredient included in the recipe, such as brown sugar, molasses, vinegar or lemon juice. The baking soda reacts with the acid and forms air bubbles, thus acting as a leavener. Without the acid, you would use baking powder.

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Salt, sugar, baking soda

Can you replace baking powder with baking soda in sugar cookies?

Only substitute baking soda for baking powder if the cookie dough will be baked within 30 minutes of mixing. Baking soda begins to lose potency as soon as it gets wet so baking powder is used when the dough will be allowed to sit for a long time before baking.

How can I get an odor out of my refrigerator?

If good old baking soda doesn't do the trick, try bleach. A handheld steamer will also get rid of odor. You can use one of the oldest tricks in the book. Baking Soda. In fact they now make refrigerator boxes of baking soda that have a special opening on the box to allow air to pass through. The baking will help remove odors from your refrigerator.