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Animism is not ONE religion but a category of religions (similar to how Monotheism is not ONE religion but a category of religions). Any particular Animist faith will usually only have several thousand adherents, but there are tens of thousands of distinct animist faiths. Animism holds that the world does not have one central group of gods or even one individual god, but that the various aspects of nature have manifest spirits (like the river spirit or the spirit of the trees). These spirits should be worshiped so that the necessities of life come without fail. While this basis is common between different forms of Animism, the different names of the spirits, their behaviors, and their relationships are vastly different between Animist groups. Animists typically pray outdoors with small altars or fires and dances.

Christianity has a number of sects with very different perspectives, but the main focus of the religion is a singular God with three components: a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. This divine unity or Trinity was responsible for both the creation of man and his salvation. Christians believe that God led the Israelites, his chosen people and made a covenant or testament with them. However, Christianity centers its belief and practice around the New Testament, provided by the Son, Jesus Christ, who came to Earth to sacrifice himself to atone for the sins of mankind. Christians typically pray in a Church or Cathedral.

Islam has a number of sects that are much closer to each other than Christianity. The main focus of the religion is a singular God who revealed numerous prophecies around the world urging monotheism and capped these revelations with the prophecy of Mohammed which provided the Qur'an. Muslims study the words of the Qur'an and the actions of Mohammed in order to better understand Divine Will. Muslims typically pray in a Masjid (a local Mosque) or a Jame'a (the Muslim equivalent of Cathedral).

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Animism believes that places objects and creatures all possess a spiritual essence. Christianity and Islam do not attribute spirituality to places and objects or all creatures.

Christianity and Islam believe mankind is made in God's image and on earth only people have a spiritual side to life

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