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During meditation, attention is consciously directed to an object. Most types of meditation that we hear about have as the focus of attention the breath or a mantra or perhaps simply the flow of experience (that last one gets tricky, since attention must keep pace with the fluctuations of perception, as opposed to centering attention on something that keeps repeating). Another type of meditation or contemplation would be directed thinking about a topic of spiritual significance, such as a passage of scripture. In all these cases, the attention has to be controlled. It cannot just wander about as it often tends to do when the mind is left to its own monkey tricks. When you notice your mind wandering, you have to bring the attention back to the object of meditation. The ultimate aim is for the mind to unite with the object of attention, so that there is no duality of subject and object of attention.

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Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being. This will help you enter into a deep-flow work state when in school. For more information on meditation and how to unlock the divine spiritual power within us, there is a link in my bio you can check out.

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Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being. Whether its 10 minutes or 30 seconds, it is essential to incorporate meditation into our busy schedule. For more information on meditation and how to unlock the spiritual power within all of us, there is a link in my bio you can check out.

What is the significance of reciting OM before meditation?

Om brings the attention of the meditator away from the inner chatter of ones mind..Also Jappa meditation (the sounds of the names of God) helps to bring the attention to connection with our creator therefore inspiring one to relax and allow the flow of inspiration.....hope this helps

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Meditation allows a person to relax. However Buddhists believe the practice can elevate a person to ultimate enlightenment.

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There are several varieties of meditation but many share the following characteristics: 1. Focusing your attention on a particular object, word, or the breath. 2. Redirecting your attention back to the object of focus whenever you recognize that you have drifted away in your thoughts 3. Assuming a passive attitude in terms of being non-judgmental, non-goal directed in your practice 4. Using the object of focus to help anchor you in the present moment Mindfulness Meditation is a popular form of meditation that captures many of these characteristics.

How do you meditate during a pagan spell?

Meditation is meditation regardless whether you are using it in a spell or just for your own peace of mind on a day to day basis. A great way to learn about meditation is through Buddhist teachings.

Why experts suggest to think of black dot during meditation?

There are many different meditation techniques. However, none of them involve thinking. The whole idea of meditation is to bring your energy to the "witnessing consciousness," which resides beyond the mind.