

How is colic caused?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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9y ago

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Colic in animals can be caused by many different things like parasites or tapeworms. Most cases of colic are not serious and are the result of gas.

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Q: How is colic caused?
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What is spasmotic colic?

Colic is the term for abdominal pain of any origin. Spasmotic colic is colic thought to be caused by intense cramps or 'spasms' of the intestines.

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Colic is the term for smooth muscle spasm. When found in the ureter, it's known as ureteral colic, and in the bladder, bladder colic.

What sorts of colic is there?

There is sand colic, gas colic, impaction colic. Sand Colic is caused when a horse ingests too much sand or dirt from grazing or eating hay off the ground, can usually be prevented with Metamucil treatments. Gas colic is often seen in wind suckers and cribbers where they fill up their stomachs with air and is usually self resolving. Impaction colic is probably the worst and can be life threatening but can be treated at the barn or in worst cases by surgery. There is also general colic that can be caused by a multitude of things including moldy or bad feed or hay, or even things like rat poison

What type of colic is spasmotic colic?

Spasmodic colic is thought to be the most common colic. It can be caused by a hot horse drinking cold water or too much water, which is why exercised horses should be cooled off before being allowed to drink. It can also be caused by eating too much grass or grain or eating bad or moldy food. It can also be caused by fear or stress, therefore nervous or high strung horses are more susceptible to spasmodic colic than calmer, more laid back horses.

When your horse shows signs of colic what type is most common impaction or spasmodic?

Spasmodic colic is believed to be the most common cause of intestinal colic. Spasmodic colic can be caused when a hot horse drinks cold water. It can also be caused by fear or stress, therefore flighty, nervous, high-strung horses are more susceptible to spasmodic colic than a calmer, more laid back, "bomb proof" horse. Impaction colic is very common as well. It can be caused by the horse eating a lot of feed or roughage such as hay and/or grass and not having enough water to drink. It can be caused by bad or moldy feed or the horse not chewing its food properly (another reason to keep your horses teeth checked) There is also Flatulent Colic, also known as Tympanic colic. It's more the indigestion type colic which causes a lot of gas and pain, normally caused from eating too much grain or grass or eating moldy or bad feed.

What causes renal colics?

Renal colic is usually caused by kidney stones, however any kind of kidney pain is called Renal colic.

What is the most common cause of colic?

I believe of the cases of colic that a cause has been found internal parasites are the leading reason. As easy as it is to deworm your horse I find it somewhat shocking that so many horses get parasite- caused colic.

What are the symptoms of spasmotic colic?

Spasmotic colic is severe abdominal pain caused by cramps (spasms) in the muscles of the large and/or small intestine. Symptoms of spasmotic colic include anxiety/distress, pawing, kicking at the belly, pacing, rolling, sweating, etc.

What is the difference between the two colics for horses?

Colic is a catch-all term for a stomach ache in horses. But it can be caused by many things not just 2 different types. Internal parasites, 'stones' comparable to gall stones in humans, twisted gut, sand colic are just a few of causes of colic in horses. Sometimes a reason is never discovered. I have a mare that used to colic once a year and I never knew what caused the problem.

Can horse colic from eating three quarters bag of grain?

It depends. Colic caused by blockage of feed (like grain) happens when the horse doesn't chew the food well enough for it to be properly digested.

Renal colic is an acute pain in the kidney area that is caused by blockage during the passage of a kidney stone?
