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Q: How is conjugation in bacteria and spirogyra similar?
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Are spirogyra decomposers?

Spirogyra are decomposers which breakdown dead organic matter. This is green algae which used conjugation as the method of reproduction.

What happens during conjugation in Spirogyra?

a form of sexual reproduction. Spirogyra and its relatives can be found during summer as pond scum, floating mats in ponds.Two filaments of Spirogyra form conjugation tubes. The contents of one cell passes through the tube an fuses with a cell from the other filament.

What cells act as the gametes in the conjugation of spirogyra or paramecium?

there is no gametes. that is why it cannot be considered sexual reproduction

How are the cells of spirogyra different from the cells of bacteria?


Are spirogyra isogametes or heterogametes?

Spirogyra are isogametes as the two participating gametes are similar in size and morphology.

What is an example of bacteria reproducing?

By conjugation

How would it hurt a bacterial colony's chance for survival if it were unable to perform conjugation?

The bacteria in the colony would be too genetically similar.

What effect might conjugation have on the offspring of the bacteria that underwent on conjugation?

Bacteria take DNA from their environment.Bacteria inject DNA into another cell

What effect might conjugation have on the offspring of the bacteria that underwent conjugation?

Bacteria take DNA from their environment.Bacteria inject DNA into another cell

How do spirogyra reproduce asexually?

When two spirogyras lie side by side and they connect, and then genes mix. This forms another spirogyra.

What allows the bacteria to join together to transfer genes?

pili or pilus is what allows for conjugation between bacteria i.e. genetic transfer.

What does bacteria do in the process of conjugation?

Bacteria exchange genetic material during the process of conjugation to ensure the rise of another offspring which is genetically different.