

How is dharma karma and reincarnation all related?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How is dharma karma and reincarnation all related?
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What religion believes in rebirth and karma?

= Hinduism believes in karma but karma does not mean rebirth. =

Do Buddhist believe in reincarnation?

Many Buddhists do believe in reincarnation, but it is not required. No not all of them do.

Karma and reincarnation?

Karma is the theory that if you do good, good will come to you. If you do bad, bad will come to you. This belief is very popular among the bhuddists because they believe that everything should be at peace.

Relationship between karma and dharma?

Hinduism believes in the concept of reincarnation. What determines the state of an individual in the next existence is karma which refers to the actions undertaken by the body and the mind. In order to achieve good karma it is important to live life according to dharma. This involves doing what is right for the individual, the family, the community and also for the universe itself. Dharma is like a cosmic norm and if one goes against the norm it can result in bad karma. So, dharma affects the future according to the karma accumulated. Therefore, one's dharmic path in the next life is determined by their past karma.

How does Karma affect Reincarnation?

Karma is the cause, reincarnation is the effect. Just like a seed decides the tree, the Karma decides the reincarnation. All eastern religions that believe in Karma advocate that our life doesn't come to an end when the body dies. The one who is alive, the ME, the Mind and the Ego is reborn in a new body to settle our sins or our good deeds. And therefore, heaven and hell are experienced right here on earth. If we do good Karma, we will be born in a good life. If we have sinned, then we may be born as a blind child or born in poverty and we will suffer in our new birth. However, those who are enlightened with Nirvana or Moksha, the enlightened ones transcend Karma, go beyond Karma and they are liberated from reincarnation. They achieve the ultimate goal of life.

What religion is Karma and Dharma based on?

The line of questioning is slightly wrong.Karmic law isn't based on any religion, faith, or tradition for it is a natural law which simply exists irrespectively!Karma is a universal principle which states 'All action and reaction must be opposite and equal' or 'For every cause, there must be an effect'.One might ask what science is gravity based on?!Gravity is simply a natural law like karma and existed before its discovery by Sir Issac Newton and will continue to exist long into the future.It would be correct to ask what religion has karma and dharma as its basis!!!This is a more correct question!The term 'Dharma' is of Sanskrit origin and is used in the Hindu tradition in reference to karma and reincarnation. Dharma also refers to the 'universal order of perfection throughout creation'. Dharma conveys a deep philosophical concept which includes Karma and is the basis of most Eastern philosophy, Religion and mystic practice.DHARMA AND KARMAThe Hindu Religion has these two concepts as their basis.Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and almost every other major religion throughout the world have these two concepts within its teachings although different terminolgy is used by their adherents.I might add that modern science is discovering these ancient laws anew.It appears the ancient rishis of India were thousands of years ahead of modern science in some respects!!!

Why do hindus believe in reincarnation when there is no such thing on there holy books about reincarnation especially 7 times it only mentions about life after death which Muslims too believe?

The basic foundation on which Hinduism stands is on the concept of reincarnation. If this part is omitted then all other principles will have loop holes. The concept of dharma and karma and reincarnation are all interconnected. Every time you are born, you are carrying the karmic debts of all your previous births. Hence, the aim of life is to break free from this cycle and reach the lotus feet of God. As far as it being mentioned in the holy books is concerned....well...the best example would be the numerous avataars (reincarnations) of Lord Vishnu. The ten most important of them being the Dasavataram which is stated in the Garuda Puran.

What are the major aspects of Hindu belief system?

Know dharma, and live per it correctly.Earn your living by staying within dharma.Enjoy with the senses but within the constrains given in dharmaBy living so, attain freedom from birth-death cycles, ore live with god or realize God.

What 5 belief structures can a Hindu have?

Unity of all things, ahimsa, many gods and goddesses who are different forms of one spirit, transmigration of souls, karma, and dharma

Which is a component of Hinduism?

* Nirvana * Reincarnation * KarmaREINCARNATION .,! =)karma

Brahman the caste system and the belief in reincarnation are all characteristic of which religion?

The name of Brahman is given to God in Sanatana Dharma (which is mistakenly called Hinduism), however the concept is present in many other faiths.Reincarnation too is present in Sanatana Dharma but is also central to other faiths.The caste system is not a part of Sanatana Dharma, it came about as a corruption of the older varna system.

Why is the Hindu creation story so important?

The Hindu creation story, as outlined in texts like the Rigveda and Puranas, provides a foundation for understanding the origin of the universe, life, and humanity according to Hindu beliefs. It serves as a mythological and symbolic explanation of spiritual concepts like karma, dharma, and reincarnation. Additionally, the creation story reinforces the interconnectedness of all beings and the cyclical nature of existence in Hindu philosophy.