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Carbon dioxide moves out of the cells from a higher to lower concentration across the cell membrane. Then the CO2 moves through the capillary wall across the diffusion gradient. The diffusion process is repeated at the capillary/alveolar junction.

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Q: How is diffusion used when cells remove carbon dioxide?
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Related questions

Why is diffusion?

Diffusion takes away carbon dioxide and unwanted waste from the cells.

Why is diffusion important?

Diffusion takes away carbon dioxide and unwanted waste from the cells.

Does carbon dioxide move into cells?

Yes, during diffusion

Cells continually generate carbon dioxide and must get rid of it The mechanism by which carbon dioxide moves out of the cell is by?

simple diffusion

How does most carbon dioxide reach the photosynthesising cells of a green leaf?

diffusion though the stomata

What causes oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to leave the capillaries?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide get into and out of cells via diffusion. The gases diffuse across the thin capillary wall, and then diffuse across the cell membrane.

How does a cell gets rid of waste products like carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is removed from cells by a process known as diffusion.

What is the direction of diffusion of gases at the capillaries near systemic cells?

oxygen out of blood, carbon dioxide into blood

What are the examples of diffusion in living organisms?

When breathing oxygen into the lungs, animals are using diffusion to distribute that oxygen to all cells in the organism. Carbon dioxide in turn is diffused from the bodies cells into the lungs to be breathed out. Plants also use diffusion to obtain carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen. Diffusion is used in photosynthesis and also when absorbing water and minerals from the soil and into the roots.

How animals get rid of carbon dioxide?

Animals get rid of Carbon Dioxide by breathing. Animals breathe in oxygen and they breathe out carbon dioxide.Diffusion from the cells, and diffusion from the bodies of insects.Animals with a blood circulation & lungs exhale it.

Why does carbon dioxide moves into red blood cells by diffusion rather than by active transport?

Do you mean why does carbon dioxide diffuse out of the cells into the bloodstream? Diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. Carbon dioxide is present in your body cells at a high concentration because the cells are making it. The process which makes carbon dioxide in cells is respiration. This is the release of energy from food. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration. The carbon dioxide molecules diffuse into the blood because there is a lower concentration in the than in the cells. This is because the blood is always moving, so the carbon dioxide is carried away and does not build up. The difference in concentration between the cells and the blood keeps carbon dioxide diffusing in the correct direction. See:

Examples of diffusion?

1. Diffusion of oxygen out and carbon dioxide in by the leaf through the stomata. 2.Diffusion of some mineral salt in the soil water into the root hairs cells 3.Diffusion of oxygen into the cell and carbon dioxide out of the cell in a unicellular like ameoba 4.Diffusion of carbon dioxide out and oxygen in through the lungs of mammals This is By Mark Segnaru....