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Q: How is electricity generated in nuclear reactor?
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When and where did the first nuclear reactor generate electricity?

Electricity was generated for the first time by a nuclear reactor on December 20, 1951, at the EBR-I experimental station near Arco, Idaho, which initially produced about 100 kW.

How does nuclear reactor works to produce electricity?

how electricity is produced in a nuclear reactor

How do nuclear power plant owners generate revenue from their reactors?

By selling the electricity generated from the heat of the reactor. Same as fossil fuel power plants do, sell electricity generated from the heat of burning.

What happens in a nuclear reactor to create electricity?

Nuclear Fission

What year did the first nuclear reactor come online?

The first nuclear reactor, CP-1, was built and operated in 1942. It generated no electricity, its peak thermal power was one half watt. The first nuclear power plant was connected to the grid sometime in the 1950s.

What is the difference between nuclear reactor and nuclearpower plant?

a nuclear reactor converts binding energy into heat. a nuclear power plant uses a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.

What was a nuclear reactor an advance in?

Producing electricity

How is the energy of a nuclear reactor converted to electricity?

the nuclear reactor makes steam wich drives turbines wich drive generators that make the electricity

What is the Asia's largest producer of nuclear generated electricity?

the asia's largest producer of nuclear generated electricity is Japan.

Who is atomatic power is obtained form?

If this is atomic power, the answer is you obtain it via your electricity company, who use heat generated in a nuclear reactor to drive electric generators.

What percentage of nuclear electricity is generated in the US?

About 25 percent of all nuclear electricity is generated in the US. France is second with about an eighth. About 20% of all electricity in the US is nuclear. Almost 80% of the electricity in France is nuclear.

What is the difference between a bioreactor and nuclear reactor?

A nuclear reactor uses either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion to generate electricity, while bio-reactors use the excretions of many animals to generate electricity.