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If the electronegativity difference is less than 2, then covalent bonds are formed. If the electronegativity difference is greater than 2, then ionic bonds are formed.

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Q: How is electronegativity used to determine bond types?
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How can electronegativity be used to distinguish between a ionic bond and a covalent bond?

Ionic bonds are farther apart and covalent are closer together. Also covalent are almost always nonmetals and Ionic always a metal and nonmetal. Use slanted pencil trick to determine lower and higher electronegativity.

An atoms relative ability to attract electrons shared in a chemical bond is known as its?

Electronegativity. The strongest element is F.

How is electronegativitg difference used in determining the type of bond tha occurs between two atoms?

Answer The larger the difference in electronegativity the more ionic properties a bond is said to have. The smaller the difference in electronegativity the more covalent properties a bond is said to have The magic number is 1.7 , if electronegativity (EN) difference is less than 1.7 then it is covalent. if it is more, then its ionic bond.

What is used to determine the strength of a chemical bond?

Bond Order

What type of bond would you expect to be formed between sodium and chlorine?

Typically, a metal and a nonmetal will form an ionic bond. You can also go by electronegativity. The difference in electronegativity can be used to predict the type of bond between atoms. Elements with electronegativity differences between 1.6 and 2.0 form ionic bonds if a metal is involved. Elements with electronegativity differences of 2.0 or greater form ionic bonds.

Which term indicates how strongly an atom attracts the electron in a chemical bond?

Linus Pauling defined electronegativity as "the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself."

How is it possible to predict the type of bond that is likely to be found in a substance What types of atoms generally form ionic or covalent bonds How can electronegativities be used to determine?

using electronegativity difference is a good guide to the ionic /covalent nature. Large differences indicate greater ionic character, small differences more covalent character.

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what three types of testers can be used to determine the concentration of antifreeze in a cooling system?

How does fluorine's electronegativity compare to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen and chlorine. There are many scales used to measure electronegativity. Each is different. Oxygen and chlorine usually have an electronegativity value between 3.2 and 3.5 depending on the scale. Fluorine has an electronegativity of 4, the highest number on the scale. This means that the difference in electronegativity of fluorine and oxygen or chlorine is between 0.5 and 0.8 depending on the scale. This is the amount necessary to form a polar covalent bond.

How can eletronegativity be used to distinguish between an ionic bond and a covalent bond?

If electronegativity varies by more than 1.4 then you are most probably looking at an ionic bond. A variance less than 1.4 means, usually a covalent bond can be formed. This is a rule of thumb and is not always reliable. Metal to nonmetal; ionic. nonmetal to nonmetal; covalent.

How can the group number of an element be used to determine what other groups will bond with the element and how they will bond?

its chemicl reactivily is determined by the number of eletrons in its outer shell property fudamental

What kind of elements are used in a covalent bond?

A covalent bond is formed between two non-metals.